7 Great Healthy Kitchen Staple Weight Gain Foods.

Kitchen containers: Staple kitchen food

Keeping some healthy staple weight gain foods in your kitchen is really important .

For instance, having basic items available in your fridge, pantry, freezer, fruit bowl etc. can help avoid any of these situations:

  • I’ll start with weight gain foods on the weekend because I haven’t done any shopping this week.
  • There’s nothing to eat and a KFC boxed meal will give me over 1000 calories in one hit. “Just this one time.” (You know and I know it’s not going to be a one-off).
  • I’m so tired / I can’t be bothered/ I’m not in the mood to spend 30 minutes + to cook something.

So this is a loose list of what weight gain foods to keep at home. This will depend of course on personal choice.

I’ve also offered some alternative options for people who have intolerances, are vegetarian or vegan etc

The Kitchen Staples


Milk- an essential kitchen staple

This is one of the basic items to have in a kitchen. It is generally cheap and easily available. For our weight gain purposes, we’re talking full cream milk.

Milk contains calcium, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is also a complete source of protein.

Fact: Complete proteins are foods containing sufficient amounts of the 9 nine essential amino acids. Quite a few animal products are complete proteins.

Milk is delicious and so versatile. 

Nothing beats a cold glass of milk on a hot day, or warm milk with honey before bed on a cold night. You can use milk in porridge, beverages, main meals, soups, desserts, smoothies etc.

I love cow’s milk but there are so many varieties out there now, it kind of blows the mind.

I’ve seen soy, almond, goat, coconut, macadamia nut, oat, camel and rice milks. There are probably more out there.

Some of the plant based ones would be suitable for folks avoiding animal products or those intolerant to cow’s milk. But do some research on nutritional values and calories. Almond milk for instance is quite low in protein.


Eggs are a nutritious powerhouse food staple.

Again they are easily available, affordable and can be enjoyed in a number of ways including as a meal, snack, in desserts etc. 

Both the white and yolk contain nutrients including vitamins & minerals, omega 3 fats, protein, antioxidants and iron among others.

Simple ways with eggs include the usual boiled, fried, scrambled, omelettes and so on. But also enjoy them in frittatas, quesadillas, salads, casseroles, mashed potatoes, soups, tortillas etc.

And that by the way, is just the savoury stuff. You know how crazy you can get using eggs in making healthy desserts.


Nuts are a healthy staple for weight gain

Nuts are high in fat, however is this mostly unsaturated fats (omega 3 and 6 fatty acids). They also contain fibre, vitamins, minerals and protein. Studies suggest that nuts are good protection for heart health.

Some types of nuts can be expensive or not easy to find depending on where you live. Peanuts tend to be the cheapest, so don’t feel you need to go out looking for macadamias, almonds or cashews, which cost more.

The other option is to buy nut butter like peanut butter. The trick is to find one with a minimum of ingredients, e.g. just peanuts (and maybe salt).

You can spread nut butters on bread, added to smoothies, in porridge, on fruits (bananas, pears, apples etc.), on chicken (Hello Satay), on popcorn, and other options.


Healthy avocados for weight gain

Avocados are a brilliant weight gain food. They are delicious fruits with a creamy texture and high in fats. But these are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which are good fats. Fats are necessary for energy, cell growth and absorption.

Avocados also have vitamins, fibre and antioxidants. An average sized avocado has about 250-300 calories though it can be higher, depending on its size.

Avocados can be enjoyed in savoury or sweet recipes.

Try spreading avocado with some salt and pepper on bread/toast as a substitute to your usual breakfast spread, or as a snack. It’s also a great fruit to use for drinking your calories.

Just be aware that depending on the season and where you live, avocados can sometimes be expensive.


Yoghurt is fermented milk with impressive health benefits, and is useful in healthy weight gain.

As a dairy product, it packs calcium, protein, healthy fats, some vitamins and minerals. But, yoghurt is also rich in probiotics which may help digestion, improve the immune system and keep good levels of gut bacteria.

Plain or Greek yoghurt are the best types to have in your fridge. Flavoured yoghurts can contain very high levels of sugar and other additives.

Check to make sure the yoghurt ingredients include yoghurt cultures such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus, or Lactobacillus acidophilus.

You can enjoy yoghurt on its own, as a snack with fruits, honey or maple syrup, as a dessert, marinade, in smoothies, dips etc.

There are now quite a few plant based yoghurts in the market for those who don’t consume dairy such as coconut yoghurt.


Bread is a staple food in many parts of the world.

It often gets a bad rap as unhealthy and this can be the case when buying poor quality, highly refined white processed breads (which are often very cheap).

There are breads that are healthy such as those made of whole grains and seeds. In fact, some studies suggest whole grains can be effective in fighting cancer.

Also, wholemeal bread is a great source of dietary fibre, some vitamins and minerals, resistant starch, and it adds bulk to meals.  For our purposes, it is a good source of calories.

As a kitchen staple for healthy weight gain, bread can be paired up with a few of the mentioned staples including nut butters, avocado and eggs.


This is another delicious source of dairy. Cheese is a good source of calcium, protein, fat, vitamin A and B12, and some minerals.  Remember though, there are natural cheeses and processed ones.

Natural cheeses are made of few, simple ingredients like milk, salts and enzymes. They also tend not to last as long as processed cheese, which is full of preservatives.

Also different cheeses have varying amounts of calories and salt.

As with any food, moderation is the key. Too much cheese can affect your health like blood pressure due to the high sodium found in many types.

This article discusses the better options of cheeses.

Healthier choices include cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, goat’s cheese (for probiotics), and Swiss cheese among others.

Like with bread, avoid the highly processed types such as supermarket variety packaged cheese slices, soft cheeses like the Laughing Cow brand, camembert and brie

You can enjoy cheese on bread, in salads, or over vegetables among other ways.

There are non-dairy cheeses now made from ingredients like soy and nuts which is good news for vegans and those with dairy intolerance. But these don’t tend to come cheap, well at least not in Australia.

Kitchen staples for weight gain
Kitchen staple foods

Other Kitchen Staple Alternatives:

For those folks who can’t eat nuts, eggs or dairy products, other low cost, easy-to-find healthy staples include oats, legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils etc.) and dried fruit. An added benefit is they are long lasting staples and will keep for a while if stored well.

If avocados are costly where you live, bananas can be used instead for sweet options, such as in smoothies, shakes or with yoghurt.

I like to mix and match these kitchen staples for variety, different flavours, and also to enjoy them in moderation. Keeping these foods at home has saved me many times from ordering junk food or procrastinating on my weight gain goals.

Have fun experimenting with these easy, weight gain foods for meals or snacks in next to no time. These 7 kitchen staples can really help with your journey to healthy weight gain.

Healthy Weight Gain: Why What You Eat Matters

Staying active because what you eat matters

Why Eat Healthy?

What you eat matters for healthy weight gain and well being. After all the true purpose of food is nourishment which we need for growth and repair, function, protection, energy and warmth.

 What you eat can affect your life including:

  • How well you feel.
  • The energy you have.
  • How you feel about yourself.
  • Even how well you sleep.

Ultimately good nutrition results in improved general health.

 Can Slim People Eat Whatever They Want?

Is there anyone reading this who thought they could eat whatever they wanted because they just never gained any weight?

I sure did!

Growing up we followed a balanced diet at home, mainly because my mum made us. (Thanks Mum!) But after I left home, I would eat lots of junk food just because I could, because of time pressures, or the hassle of cooking.

Here’s the thing. Being slim and able to eat “anything” without gaining weight is not a pass on illnesses linked to poor eating habits.

Poor diets can be those that lack fruits and vegetables, with too much junk food, no/ low fibre diets, large amounts of processed sugary drinks or alcohol, or too much rich food, just to name a few.

In fact eating anything you want could mean an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, hypertension, stroke, and other preventable or chronic diseases.

The Real Skinny On Poor Eating Habits:

Have you heard of the term normal weight obesity? Sometimes also known as “skinny fat?”

Very simply, this is when your body weight is normal, but your body fat percentage is so high that you have the same health risk of someone with obesity.

People assume the risk is lower for slimmer or people in the normal weight range, but research is showing this is not the case based on studies on normal weight-central obesity

Also bear in mind there are factors that can increase health risks such as genetics, lifestyle, gender and age, for slim or underweight people with poor eating habits.

Quality over Quantity:

Food is often measured by a unit of energy called a calorie. Something important to remember is all calories aren’t the same. Generally speaking there are empty calories and nutrient dense calories.

Empty calories are made of added sugars, fats and alcohol and have little or no nutritional value. Nutrient dense calories contain healthy nutrients like protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals that the body needs. This is why what you eat matters.

The fruit aisle:Why what you eat matters

You know, trying to achieve healthy weight gain can feel like hard work and seem so expensive. Also, how many people feel like going grocery shopping nowadays can give you a headache?  

You may have seen labels on healthy foods like: GMO free, hormone free, organic, biodynamic, no added sugar, chemical/pesticide free and so on. Huh?

We just want an apple that isn’t going to poison us, right?

Lots of people think eating healthy is expensive, especially organic food. I would suggest buying the best quality food that you can afford. Just increasing your intake of whole foods including fruits and vegetables, whole grains and good fats, could overall improve your health.

If eating non- GMO food is an option for you, please take it. If eating organic is an option, please do it to the extent you can. Always think about what your budget allows.

Ways To Gain Weight. Why What You Eat Matters:

People use different methods to gain weight and here are a few of the more common ones. Many do a combination of these.

1.Weight Gain Using Healthy Foods.

I believe this is the best way for several reasons including:

  • Eating healthy foods fuels our bodies with needed protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, and helps reduce the risk of disease. What you eat matters.
  • Healthy foods are delicious and there is so much variety. Every time we eat we can use our senses to elevate our food experience. Consider the sight of a punnet of plump juicy berries, the smell of a zesty lime, the sound and satisfying crunch of biting into an apple, or the texture of an almond.  
  • Healthy weight gain costs less in the long run, both in terms of health and money. Staying healthy by avoiding preventable and chronic disease really is cheaper.
  • Better dental health. A diet high in processed foods will encourage tooth decay, while eating wholesome natural foods like vegetables and dairy can actually improve dental health.
  • Buying and eating whole foods also benefits local farmers and the environment.
  • Because we need more real in our lives and far less substitutes.
BalnceWhy what you eat matters

2.Weight Gain With Junk Food

Perhaps you’ve heard what Renee Zellwegger and Charlize Theron ate to gain weight for their respective roles in Bridget Jones Diary 1 and Tully?  

They both managed to gain a lot of weight by eating chips, steak, sugary fizzy drinks, cakes, doughnuts, pizza…….I think you get the picture.

Interestingly, Charlize Theron in an interview later said eating all that junk food for weight gain actually made her feel depressed. Charlize on junk food

Please don’t do this. Not an Oscar nor anything else should have you punish your body in this way. What you eat matters for physical and mental health.

Junk food is not just terrible nutritionally for the body, but also it is a very low quality product. It is full of chemical preservatives, artificial colours, cheap and nasty fillers, and possibly pesticides which can cause harm to your body.

It’s also unlikely that you’d be able to pronounce the names of all those artificial preservatives in junk food.

3.Weight Gain With Protein Powders.

This is a very common and popular method of weight gain practiced all around the world. Does it work? Yes it does.

These powders are generally blended in with milk, water or juices to create protein shakes. And they are an easy source of protein, with the most common being whey, casein and soy protein.

Actually, protein powders are also used by dieters, athletes and also those looking to maintain their weight.

Folks looking to gain weight or muscle use these powders for added calories, meaning in addition to eating their regular meals.

So, is there a downside?

Well, protein powders aren’t regulated in many Western countries. This means you may not be getting what you think you are. And in other ways, you may be getting what you weren’t expecting at all.

This article by Harvard Medical School shows that, depending on the brand being used, consumers may be drinking high levels of sugar, as well as toxins in fairly large amounts including BPA, lead, mercury and other heavy metals. Also, milk based powders can cause issues for those with lactose or dairy intolerances.

Another thing is, there have been a number of lawsuits over protein powders relating to false advertising of actual protein content and the use of cheap fillers instead.

If you look this up online, you’ll find there has been a range of class action suits.  All protein powders aren’t equal, do your research if choosing to use them.

4.Weight Gain With Nutritional Supplement Powders and Drinks

These are specially pre-mixed powders formulated with a range of nutrients including protein, minerals & vitamins. This is to supplement a diet lacking these.

They are mixed with milk or water or added to desserts, cereals and soups. Some brands come as already prepared drinks. 

Health professionals often recommend these products for older / frail adults, or people recovering from sickness or surgery.

Some health professionals argue they aren’t really suitable for the general public although they are found in supermarkets and pharmacies.

But that in fact, the high sugar amount is specifically to provide energy for certain groups such as people with low appetites or those struggling to eat solid foods after surgery or illness.

Please note these powders and drinks don’t provide all the body’s nutritional needs.

They can be hard to drink down as some don’t mix well forming lumps, and may have an unpleasant taste. They generally have very high sugar levels.

Actually, I’ve tried using one of these for a short time in the past but it didn’t work for me. I didn’t like the taste, found it too sweet and more to the point, I didn’t gain any weight while using it.

So there you have it. This is why what you eat matters for healthy weight gain. Until next post.