Autumn Healthy Weight Gain Food Ideas

Autumn season

Hi folks, this post let’s talk about autumn healthy weight gain food ideas.

Autumn is a beautiful season that has incredible produce to help us with our healthy weight gain goals.

As the temperature starts to drop, let’s welcome both the change in season and foods we’ll be eating.

Eating seasonal locally grown food is better for our wallets, environment, farmers and even our gut.

In fact some studies show gut bacteria can increase when we eat a varied diet of healthy whole foods.

And feeding our bodies healthy warming produce this season will do wonders for our well-being.

Here is a look at what goodies autumn will bring.

What Autumn Produce is Available In Australia                       

Autumn healthy weight gain food ideas

Here are just some of the fresh produce we can expect to enjoy.


Autumn fruits include papaya, nectarines, kiwi fruit, bananas, strawberries, rhubarb, persimmon, pomegranate, watermelons, apples, figs, pears, peaches, plums and lemons.


Root vegetables are plentiful in autumn including sweet potato, turnip, beetroot, potatoes, swedes, parsnips and carrots.

Other vegetables include broccoli, mushrooms, cabbage, sweet corn, cucumber, eggplant, cauliflower, leek, tomatoes and pumpkin.

So now let’s dig into the best part, which is the many meal options on hand for healthy weight gain in the autumn.

Weight Gain Food Ideas                                                                      


Autumn mornings tend to be quite cool and a hot breakfast is a great way to start the day.

Healthy weight gain food
  • Porridge

Porridge is made from whole grains, contains fibre and plenty of good nutrients.

Also, Harvard researchers found eating porridge among other whole grains can lower mortality rates.

There are many different types including semolina (cream of wheat), maize meal, oatmeal, millet, barley, rice porridge etc.

Perhaps think about toppings for porridge like ground spices (e.g. cinnamon and nutmeg), honey or maple syrup, nut butters, bananas, seeds, flaked coconut, nuts, berries or other fruits in season.

Importantly, for our weight gain purposes use full cream milk for porridge.

  • Warm baked goodies
Autumn Food Ideas

Just think how lovely it is to start a cold day with your hands wrapped around a hot cup of coffee or tea.

Naturally, on the side would be either some warm freshly made healthy muffins, pancakes, pikelets, crepes or banana bread. 

True, some of these may be more lazy weekend brunch foods but you can still whip up something pretty quickly on a week day morning with your trusty kitchen tools.

Or you could bake up some healthy home-made goodies on the weekend or evening, and warm up in the oven for breakfast.

  • Bread.

“The best thing since sliced bread!” This is a great expression.

I love bread (and not just sliced bread).But quality bread, not cheap, filled with nasty additives and preservatives “bread.”

Overall, bread is adaptable and great for breakfast, snacks, lunch, and dinner.

I’m not going to go into the different types of bread. I think that is a journey of discovery you would do well to go on your own.

Your morning toast could include some of these possibilities.

Savoury options:

Baked beans, olives or olive tapenade, smoked salmon, hummus, and canned fish like sardines and tuna.

Certainly eggs are a given here.  What are your favourite eggs? Poached, scrambled, hard boiled, fried, omelette, baked? Include some vegetables like mushrooms, spinach or capsicum.

Good quality cheeses including spreadable ones like cottage, cream cheese, feta or harder cheeses like pecorino.

Tomatoes- freshly sliced/ fried/ grilled regular or roasted cherry tomatoes are just some delicious ideas.

Nut butters- The (always popular) peanut butter as well as others like cashew butter, almond, tahini, hazelnut butter, walnut butter etc.

As well, try out several toppings at the same time as well for more calories: e.g.

Avocado on toast with scrambled eggs, or almond butter and banana slices on toast, or even cream cheese with smoked salmon or tomato slices.

Sweet options:

Molasses, honey or maple syrup goes well on toast.

So do sliced seasonal fruits (berries, bananas, avocados, apples) with nut butters on bread.

Finally, what about Greek yogurt or cream cheese with berries drizzled with honey or maple syrup?           

Healthy Weight Gain Food Ideas

Lunch And Dinner Options

Autumn healthy weight gain food ideas will always include home-made comfort cooking.

In fact autumn and winter is when your oven and slow cooker really shine.

In general, you need to do a tiny bit of prep work, then pop it in and let it cook.

Slow cooker meals

Slow cookers are great for “set and forget” cooking with very little prep time needed.

Use them for one pot meals, chilli, casseroles and stews.

Slow cookers are also perfect for meat and poultry including budget cuts such as thighs, wings, beef brisket etc. Cheaper cuts of meat cooked this way are soft and full of flavor.

And of course left-over slow cooked meat can be shredded and used in sandwiches, wraps, omelettes, added to salads or meals like noodles or burritos.

Oven meals

Similarly, ovens also take little effort to produce amazing results.

Remember those root vegetables we mentioned?

They are perfect for the oven.

And the simplest of recipes includes adding some olive oil, salt, pepper, paprika or cumin, then leaving them to roast into tasty flavours.

Of course you can enjoy a number of single sheet pan meals including turkey, lamb, chicken, fish or steak, roasting alongside those root vegetables.

It’s win-win. You get a healthy meal with little prep work and cleaning up after.

Also you can use the oven to make one dish meals like pasta bakes, tuna bakes, lasagna and moussaka.

Oven cooked food

I for one love potatoes roasted in the oven.

They are cheap and tasty and you can use them in so many ways.

For example crunchy garlic roasted potatoes, shepherd’s pie, stuffed baked potatoes or scalloped potatoes.

My mouth waters just thinking about it!

Stovetop Meals

Likewise these meals have different methods including sautéing, frying, boiling, steaming etc.

Everyone knows of mashed potatoes but why not try mashed sweet potatoes or parsnip puree? Or what about a combination of mashed root vegetables?

I also like single pot/pan recipes.

Some examples include fajitas, quiches, stir fries, fried rice, omelettes and bolognaise.

Have a look at other cuisines for more ideas of healthy weight gain meals.

For instance Hungarian goulash, Asian curries or Italian pastas and risottos?

Autumn healthy weight gain

For pastas, try well known favourites such as pasta Alfredo, or pasta with chicken and mushrooms, or meatballs and pesto pasta.

There are also plenty of grains that can be cooked on the stovetop including rice, couscous, buckwheat and quinoa.

Meanwhile those without a slow cooker can use the stovetop for delicious stews and casseroles.

Soups of course are another amazing autumn meal but I’ll go more into that in the winter foods post.


There is something very comforting about eating warm salads in cool weather.

Roasted mixed vegetables in a salad are perfect for this time of year.

Or how about roasted pumpkin paired with avocado and poached or roasted chicken?

Other options could be a lamb salad with potatoes, warm seafood salads like grilled fish/ prawn salad with roast vegetables, sliced beef /chicken and noodle salads, warm pasta or grain and mixed bean salads.

Certainly don’t forget to include some good quality cheese in your warm salad.

Also add fruit to your salad for some crunch and natural sweetness, such as pomegranates, grapes and apples.


To be honest, after a filling meal like the ones mentioned above, I don’t generally feel the need for dessert.

However if you do, why not enjoy the sweet autumn fruit like sliced papaya, strawberry, baked banana or other baked fruit sprinkled with nuts? 

I believe a little fruit, cheese and nut platter is a lovely option whatever the weather.

Autumn healthy food

Or how about some stewed fruit like pears, rhubarb or plums with honey and ginger?

Another option could be a slice of healthy home-made banana or pumpkin bread or pie. Enjoy with a hot drink.

Hot pumpkin spice

And finally, that’s it from me for this post.

I hope you enjoy these autumn healthy weight gain food ideas.

Important Kitchen Tools To Boost Your Healthy Weight Gain

Kitchen tools for healthy weight gain

Here are some of the basic but important kitchen tools to boost your healthy weight gain.

They are great because you’ll use these items over and over again and they will save you time and money. And who doesn’t want that?

But if you’re thinking “Oh Oh”, just relax.

I’m not suggesting something like a vitamix is a crucial item, although if you have or can afford one, good for you!

Also, if you have a small kitchen, don’t worry because I’m no fan of clutter or things you’ll use once and then it’s stashed away on a high shelf somewhere to gather dust for years.

These items are fairly affordable and some are pretty small.

Some you can tuck away in a cupboard or even drawer. But the main thing is that you’ll get lots of use from these important kitchen tools to boost your healthy weight gain.

So first off, I’m just going to mention having a decent fridge. It’s so essential; I’ve sort of taken it for granted that most people reading this blog will already have one.

Ok that’s that and now let’s begin.

The Important Kitchen Tool List

1. Countertop Blenders To Boost Healthy Weight Gain                                            

Important kitchen tools

Countertop blenders are wonderful kitchen tools that can be used every few days, if not every day.

You can use this type of blender to make smoothies, juices, some puddings, salsas, cauliflower rice, home-made mayonnaise and sauces. Those are just some blender ideas.

Ice Ice Baby

If you are on the lookout for a countertop blender, try and find one that is high powered and can crush ice.

The reason I mention ice crushing is because firstly, there are people who like their smoothies, juices, lassis etc. cold and will include ice when making them.

Second, ice crushing blenders are needed if you’re using frozen fruit or produce for either drinking your calories or making easy, tasty, healthy weight gain desserts like home-made frozen yogurt, ice- creams, and sorbets.

(Post on simple healthy weight gain frozen desserts to come).

In general, benefits of countertop blenders include:

  • It’s quick and easy to make a healthy weight drink/food.
  • They have different speed settings and generally a pulsing option as well.
  • They process a large variety of whole foods and this means less waste as well as keeping the nutritional value.
  • On the whole they provide an easy way to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Quite easy to clean up and you don’t have to remove parts.

Our previous blender was from the Russell Hobbs brand. It finally gave up the ghost after about 12 years and cost about $50 (Australian) at the time. The current blender is an ice crusher from Sunbeam and I’m pretty happy with it and have had it for a few years now.

But be warned. If you put ice or frozen produce in a countertop blender that isn’t ice crushing, it will dull the blades. It can even burn out the motor or crack the glass/plastic of the jug or container.

*Please don’t place boiling hot liquids in them. This exercise may scald you, destroy your blender and re-decorate your kitchen with blotches on the walls and ceiling.

So to make a long story short, do get a high powered ice crushing blender which you can use for way more than just smoothies.

2. Stick/Immersion Blenders

Kitchen tools to boost healthy weight gain

These types of blenders have a slim, compact design. Immersion blenders aren’t as powerful as countertop blenders so use on soft or softened foods only (no nuts please).

But they can do some things the countertop ones can’t.

For instance, they are great for blending hot liquids like soups, soft desserts including those prepared on the stovetop (remember to switch burner off first), home-made tomato sauce, baby food, soft dips, batters and mixing powder with liquid to a smooth paste.

I like stick blenders for the following reasons:

  • They are so convenient. For example, if you’re making soup, you’d need to let it cool down some, pour it into your countertop blender without burning yourself and blend, holding on to the lid so it doesn’t spray your kitchen. Then try not to burn yourself again as you pour it back into the pot. No such drama with this little guy. Plunge into your cooking pot and puree away.
  • Importantly, they are easy to wash.  Lather up and rinse in less than 20 seconds. Seriously!
  • They are small- a slice of the size of a countertop blender and light to carry. Finding room in your kitchen isn’t going to be hard.
  • They work really well for little portions/small jobs. Realistically, not everyone is your family is going to want to gain weight so you may not need huge amounts of what you’re blending.

Like anything there are pricey ones but you can also get a range for under (Australian) $50.

*Just remember:

Be careful when blending hot liquids.

And avoid using them in shallow containers. They work best when the head of the blender is completely immersed in what you’re blending.

Finally dudes, please always, ALWAYS unplug it before washing. You don’t want to lose a piece of finger!

3. Slow cookers

Ok, so these aren’t the smallest of kitchen equipment but they are very useful time savers for making healthy weight gain meals.

Slow cookers are electrical appliances that cook on low temperatures over long periods of times e.g. 4-10 hours.

They are great for stews, casseroles, soups, roasts and other meat and poultry dishes, beans and bone broth just to name a few.

Of course, while blenders are great because they work fast, these babies take hours to cook.

Now hear me out because you literally just set and forget slow cookers. And then hours later, it’s all done and ready for you to gobble up.

How it works is you place your raw peeled, cut up ingredients (meat and vegetables), liquid and seasoning inside and turn it on.

 It then cooks on slow heat for several hours and voila you have a delicious meal to sink your chops into.

There are several benefits to slow cooking including:

  • Food becomes very soft and flavourful. (Fall-off-the-bone soft).It also maintains more nutrients than cooking on higher heat.
  • This is the ultimate one-pot cooking. It means very little food prep and washing up.
  • You can use cheaper and tougher cuts of meat in a slow cooker to get tender, tasty meals.
  • You are less likely to burn food using a slow cooker. People can set it before leaving in the morning to go to work, and come back at the end of the day to delicious smells wafting from your home. Or you can even leave it on overnight while you sleep.
  • They are cheaper to run than an oven.
  • Naturally, slow cookers are great for bulk cooking which can then be frozen for future meals. This saves you time and money.

*I must admit there was a disadvantage of working from home during covid while using the slow cooker. Because this meant inhaling mouth- watering smells while knowing there is still 4 hours to go before it’s completely done.

So obviously, follow the instructions on your slow cooker for the best results. And then just set and forget, till its dinner time.

4. Food and Drink Containers

Overall, these aren’t big ticket items but they are super useful for healthy weight gain.

Storage containers and jars can be used for raw produce, cooked produce, snacks and drinks.

I use mostly glass containers for several reasons. They are:

  • Clear and see-through so it’s easy to identify what food is in there.
  • Long-lasting and recyclable.
  • Safe to use- no worrying about BPA chemicals leaching into food. See here and this as well for information on plastic storage.
  • Easy to clean and they don’t absorb the smell of foods stored in them.
  • Easy to collect when buying honey, coffee, jam in jars etc. and simply re-using them. These are great for storing dried grains, cereal, spices, nuts etc.
  • Versatile and can go from freezers and fridges to higher temperatures such as ovens or dishwashers.
Important kitchen storage containers

So, I use a few different types of storage. I have glass bottles for storing my healthy weight gain drinks. (You can get some cheap ones from Kmart or IKEA.)

*Tip: Think about the shape of the bottles before buying for washing out well with a bottle brush.

I also have different sized “lunchbox” type glass containers which I use to store mostly cooked food in the fridge or freezer.

Kitchen items for weight gain.

Finally, I keep different sized glass jars which were originally from jam, honey and other condiments.

I re-use them as mentioned above for storing dry food, snacks and spices. You’ll find this useful for figuring out what weight gain foods to keep at home.

In conclusion, I’m guessing some of these items you already have in your kitchen.

If you’re not using them, it’s a good idea to pull them out, dust them off and see them for the great aids that they are.

 I’ve personally found these important kitchen tools to boost healthy weight gain of real benefit for my weight journey.

So, here is to your good health!