Easy Healthy Weight Gain Tips For Vegetarians

Weight gain tips for vegetarians

Hi all, today I’m writing about easy healthy weight gain tips for vegetarians.

Now there are different types of vegetarians but generally their diet involves not having meat, poultry and fish, and sometimes their products as well.

This lifestyle is on the up worldwide and has a number of health benefits including a decrease in heart disease, some cancers and chronic diseases.

In fact most of us could probably increase the amount of plant based foods in our diets which would improve our general health greatly.

However, there are some vegetarians who may be underweight and looking to gain more weight, have better immunity. Like many of us, busy lives may mean not always having a balanced diet or making the best food choices.

So this post really is for everyone because it has tips on the best plant based nutrients needed for a healthy weight gain diet.

Ok, let’s get started.

The Benefits with Plant Based Foods.

The great news for vegetarians looking to gain healthy weight is that many plant based foods are high in more than one source of essential nutrients. 

For example, many protein foods are also good sources of complex carbohydrates. And foods rich in good fats are again great sources of carbs.

Protein Rich Foods:

Chunky peanut butter

Firstly, everyone needs a balanced diet for their bodies to function well and protein is one of those necessary food groups.

Protein is found in the body and is also needed for building and repairing cells and muscles.

However many plant based protein sources are incomplete proteins, meaning they are missing at least one of the essential amino acids. Also, some plant foods aren’t as easily absorbed as animal protein by the body.

The way around this is for vegetarians to get their proteins from a variety of sources. And the best way is to get your daily protein from natural food sources.

All in all, some of the best vegetarian protein sources include:

Pulses: These are the richest source of plant based protein and include chickpeas, lentils, split peas and most types of beans such as kidney, black eyed, pinto, white etc.

Nuts, nut butters and seeds: E.g. almonds,peanuts, cashews, chia seeds, flaxseeds etc.

Whole grains: E.g. quinoa, oats, barley, millet. Also found in whole grain pastas, breads, porridges etc.

Dairy: Milk, yogurt, cheese etc.

Soy products: Tempeh, tofu, soy milk etc.

**Importantly, please stay away from genetically modified (GM) foods which in some countries are what most soy products are. Go for a non-GM option instead.

I know this can be harder to do in some countries that really plug GM foods to the point that they are mainstream in markets and supermarkets. But the dangers of GM food production are still not fully known.

So, what are some high protein vegetarian meal ideas? I thought you’d never ask!

Easy healthy weight gain tips

A few ideas of high protein meals for vegetarians include:

Bean salads, quinoa salads, lentil soup, barley soup, split pea soup, mix of seeds and nuts, tofu burgers, quiche, rice and beans, nut butters with bread or fruit, oats porridge, omelettes etc.


Wholegrain breads

Overall, carbohydrates have a bad rap but the truth is they are another essential nutrient in the human diet and provide energy for the body’s tissues and cells.

And they are crucial among the easy healthy weight gain tips for vegetarians

Complex carbohydrates especially support the body’s immune, nervous and digestive function among other functions.

Sources of carbs include the following:

Whole grains including brown rice, maize (corn), whole wheat breads and pastas, buckwheat, quinoa etc.

Vegetables and fruits Some fruit and veggies contain complex carbohydrates including potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, most types of beans, oranges, bananas, apples, pears, yams, okra etc.

Dairy: Milk, yogurt and cheese are sources of carbohydrates.

Remember how I mentioned many plant foods give more than one source of nutrients? Well read on.

Sources of carbs AS WELL AS protein include: most types of beans, lentils, split peas, chickpeas, quinoa, barley, millet, brown rice, some nuts (e.g. cashews, pistachios, almonds), milk, yogurt and cheese.

Fats and carbs are often lumped together and fats have even a worse rap than carbs. Again folks, these are necessary in the diet so please don’t avoid them.

Good sources of healthy fats AND carbohydrates are: avocados, nuts, flaxseeds and chia seeds.

Vegetables and Fruit:

Vegetable skewers

These foods are the backbone for vegetarians and really, the world is your oyster when it comes to fruits and vegetables.

Importantly, their nutritional value especially when it comes to boosting health and immunity is incredible. They offer you vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants and calories.

There are also lots of options to choose from and millions of recipes for delicious and healthy meals.

Some of the best vegetables for healthy weight gain include starchy ones such as potatoes, maize (corn), pumpkin, sweet potatoes, beans, parsnips, yams, chickpeas, lentils etc.

Certainly that is not to say forget about the non-starchy vegetables e.g. tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage etc. They too have their benefits and play an important part in the diet.

Meanwhile fruits that are great for healthy weight gain include avocados, mangos, bananas, coconut flesh, and pineapples. Enjoy them on their own, in salads/fruit salads, grilled, baked, in smoothies or in lassis.

Dried fruits including raisins, figs, dates, apricots, sultanas, prunes also pack a fibre and calorie punch, but do have them in moderation.

But I personally find them very sweet in general and can only manage very small amounts at a time. Enjoy them as a snack.                              

How to include these foods into your vegetarian diet.

Easy tips for vegetarians

There are plenty of easy ways to include these foods into your diet. Here are just a few examples:

  • By drinking your calories-for example in smoothies and green juices.
  • Add dairy, beans, whole grains and seeds into salads. E.g. Greek salad with feta cheese, Mexican mixed bean salad, quinoa salad etc. Or sprinkle some ground seeds into salads.
  • Making soups and stews with beans, peas, lentils, rice, pasta, beetroot, spinach, chickpeas, pumpkin, barley, potatoes etc. Yum! Don’t forget to add a spoon of full fat yogurt into soups for additional flavour and calories.)
  • Certainly cooking up a vegetable stir fry and including tofu and nuts like cashews or peanuts.
  • Whole grain pasta dishes with cheese or pesto sauce and sprinkled with finely chopped walnuts or pine nuts.
  • Sliced fruits and nuts added to breakfast foods like cereals, porridge, and yogurt.

Hey, don’t forget to try out different cuisines. It’s easy to get bored with making the same-old, same-old foods that we eat regularly, and trying new foods will increase the variety in your diet.

And, looking up and trying out different foods is a great chance to learn about other cultures’ foods and produce you may never have heard of before.

Healthy weight gain

No doubt, there is a world of tasty vegetarian food out there: curries, dips, soups, flat breads, pastas and risottos and so on. (Wipes corners of mouth.)

Whether you are vegetarian or not, eating more plant based foods will have real benefits for your health.

And so I hope you’re inspired to try some of these easy healthy weight gain tips for vegetarians.

Till next time.

How To Save Time In The Kitchen

How to save time in the kitchen

Do you want to know how to save time in the kitchen and still eat well? Gaining healthy weight doesn’t have to mean spending huge amounts of time cooking.

It’s not hard and there are a number of hacks you can use to help save you time (and money).

While we generally love to eat, for many time-poor folks there isn’t a whole lot of love for the cooking process.

And so there are lots of people who want to be able to eat healthily but don’t want to be chained to the kitchen on top of all the other responsibilities they have.

While meal preparation is very much a part of life, there are definitely ways on how to save time in the kitchen so let’s go over them.                               

Kitchen Time Saving Hacks

1. Organise Your Kitchen

Organised kitchen saves time

Keeping your kitchen organised will help you spend less time in it.

Kitchen organisation includes things like:

  • Knowing what food you have at home and where it’s kept.
  • Keeping appliances you use regularly within easy reach and ready to go.
  • Storing your pots, pans, knives etc. in the same place where you can easily access them at any time.

I mean who hasn’t experienced wanting to howl with frustration because you can’t find the chopping board when you need it? Or the blender lid has gone AWOL?

To sum up, staying organised in the kitchen helps you complete tasks faster.

2. Plan

Shopping list

Making a meal plan and shopping list for your grocery shop will save you time and money.

A grocery list will help keep your kitchen stocked. Try to get ingredients you can use in different ways e.g. rice, milk or eggs.

And having a meal plan means you don’t have to waste time thinking about what to cook up that day, then the next, and the day after that etc.

Also remember the detail of the plan is up to you. You can just put down “Pasta night” or write down a specific pasta dish that you had in mind for that day.

3. Batch cook your favourite foods

Cooking larger serves of your favourite foods is a great time saving hack that ensures you’ll have portions of food for later in the week, which you actually love to eat.

For example roast some juicy chicken thighs then have them different ways over several meals. For instance with potatoes, then in a wrap or sandwich, or added to a salad etc.

4. Be flexible.

To clarify, if you’re cooking and find you’re missing one or more ingredients, just work with what you have instead. 

No need to run out and get saffron threads, I promise you. It’s a nice-to-have but not essential.

This is easy to do with most food ingredients, spices and herbs. You can find an alternative. 

No minced meat for your bolognaise? Use tinned fish or even legumes.

Not enough rice for a stir fry? Make a noodle stir fry instead.  And use whatever vegetables you have in the fridge and freezer.

You’ve run out of tomato paste? Use ketchup, pasta sauce or fresh tomatoes.

And by being flexible, you’ll discover new dish varieties and save yourself time and money as well.

5. Sort out your ingredients after you shop

Taking the time to do some food prep after you come back from shopping can also be a huge time saver.  Here are some ideas for you to try:

  • Make ahead smoothie packs. Place ingredients in zip lock bags in the freezer for smoothies e.g. berries, bananas, spinach leaves etc.
  • Pound soft animal protein like chicken breasts, thighs and steaks before you cook them. They will cook much faster and more evenly if they are pounded to about the same width.
  • Chop up vegetables to save yourself time later. You can even blanch and then freeze these afterwards, then just pull out and use when needed.
  • Place items in their designated kitchen spot to save you time trying to find them later on.

6. Make one dish meals

One dish meals save time in the kitchen

Maintain a balanced diet by getting your carbs, protein and veggies all together in one dish. You can use a number of cooking methods including stewing, roasting, slow cooking etc.

For example, you could use one pan, one pot or one sheet meals for the stovetop or oven.

And, remember to cut everything small and to about the same size so they can cook faster and evenly.

Some examples of one dish meals that include all these essential nutrients include casseroles, roasts, stir fries, pasta meals, shepherd’s pie etc.

The added bonus here is a quick prep and clean up time.

7. Use your kitchen tools to save time

Here’s where you let the machines do the work. Use whatever kitchen gadgets you have to make shortcuts.

Certainly, if they are gathering dust in some cupboard, it’s time to pull out your food choppers, slow cookers, hand blenders etc. to save you time.

If you never use the oven and/or grill, it’s time to start.

I love batch cooking and will often have something going in the slow cooker, on the stove top and in the oven, all at the same time.

To sum up, these tools are there to help cut down on time spent in the kitchen. So use them!

8. Use up leftovers

Using leftovers to save time

Leftovers have a kind of second class status when it comes to food. It’s time to change that.

Think of leftovers as a challenge to be creative and make up a tasty meal with whatever you’ve got.

You can use leftovers to make pasta meals or bakes, fritters, fried rice, curries, tacos, stir fries, salads, omelettes, soups, wraps, frittatas, sandwiches….The list goes on.

Finally, there is a triple bonus with this. Leftovers stop food waste and save time and money.

9. Keep kitchen staple foods.

Importantly, it is always helpful to have some staple foods in the kitchen.

Having these basic supplies mean you’ll be able to cook a meal without having to get take away food, doing an unplanned shop, or spending time trying to figure out what to make.

Some examples of staples to keep at home for healthy weight gain include whole grain pasta, eggs, honey, legumes, milk, onions, rice, canned fish and yogurt.

10. Clean and clear as you cook.

It’s done!  You’ve planned, and batch cooked the food you had at home using your trusty kitchen tools to save you time.

On the whole you’ve finished! Except you haven’t.

Because when you look over at the sink and see those dirty dishes lying there, it’s enough to make a grown anyone cry.

Cleaning up as you go along will save you heaps of time at the end.

As I place food to cook on the stove/ in the grill/ oven etc, I start to put the vegetable peels into the compost, throw out rubbish, and start washing up.

While the food is cooking, I clean up whatever’s left in the kitchen so that after eating the meal, there isn’t something resembling a landfill site waiting.

Trust me, this is one tip you’ll want to try to save you time (and your sanity).

And that’s it. Those are some great ways to save time in the kitchen folks.

Finally, there are other benefits to these tips including gaining weight in a healthy way, saving money, avoiding food waste and living more sustainably.