Healthy Weight Gain Food Ideas For Winter

Weight Gain Foods

Tis the frosty season in Australia so we’re going to jump into healthy weight gain food ideas for winter.

This season may not be everyone’s favourite, but there are food traditions during this time of year that are very satisfying. Hello happy place!

Generally, when it’s cold and your belly is filled with delicious and healthy food, you just feel better.

On the whole, lots of people gain weight during winter because you’re hungrier a lot of the time.

Our body temperature drops and uses more energy to stay warm. This stimulates hunger and eating helps warm us up as well gives energy for other daily functions.

However if you’re one of the few that struggles to gain weight even in winter, this post is for you.

But first, I just wanted to point out how amazing food harvested in winter is. There is lots of produce with starch that helps with those hunger pangs.

Second, as it also happens to be flu season, there are loads of citrus fruits that help with boosting immunity. All great reasons to eat seasonal produce.

Winter Foods In Season

Quite a bit of autumn produce carries over to winter including root vegetables. Lots of this season’s produce is high in nutrients including vitamin C, fibre and of course calories for healthy weight gain.


Oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, avocados, mandarins, kiwi fruit, pineapples, pears, apples, pawpaw and rhubarb are some fruits that are commonly found in winter.


Potatoes, pumpkin, silver beet, sweet potato, turnips, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, kale, Asian greens, spinach, onion, swedes, mushroom, eggplant and broccoli are just some of the veggies on offer.

What Winter Foods To Eat For Healthy Weight Gain


What beats starting a cold day with some hot breakfast? I mean you’ve had to get out of your warm bed and this kind of makes up for it.

By the way, if you haven’t already, do check out the post on autumn healthy weight gain foods because a lot of the same food is available and you can get some ideas from there too.


Healthy weight gain

No doubt some of you may be thinking “Who over the age of 10 or under the age of 70 still eats porridge?”

Porridge is pretty quick and easy to make and you can add all sorts of toppings to it. Also it’s tasty, filling, with loads of nutrients.

There are lots of different kinds of porridge including oatmeal, rice flour, semolina, maize meal, barley, millet, buckwheat etc.

If you’ve never really been a porridge person before, try it. You’ll probably find one that you like.

Also, for anyone in hurry or just feeling lazy, simply warm some full cream milk and add homemade granola for healthy calories.

While we’re on the subject of porridge, if you’re looking for something a little different, try congee. It’s a kind of Asian porridge which can include stock and bits of chicken, meat or fish.

I lived in South East Asia for a couple of years where I first tried it, and it is so good!

Congee does take some time to prepare but here is a simple recipe that doesn’t take too long.

 If that sounds really weird to you to have for breakfast, enjoy congee at lunch, dinner or as a snack.


Picture yourself with crunchy, warm toast in one hand and a hot cup of coffee or tea in the other. Utter bliss!

Top your toast with healthy options like honey, nut butters, eggs (your way), avocado, baked beans, cottage cheese and sliced fruit, tinned sardines, good quality cheese….the list just goes on.

Flat breads:

Breakfast food

Countries all over the world have their own version of flat breads which are great healthy weight gain food ideas for winter.

Some of the different flat breads include pita, arepas, naan, chapati, roti, tortillas, parathas, and tortillas to name a few.

I just love a breakfast that includes naan or chapati with a steaming fragrant cup of chai tea.

You can enjoy them on their own, with a spread or with a few toppings like scrambled eggs, cheese or beans.

Hot drinks at breakfast and over the course of the day will also help with keeping you warm.

I’m a huge tea drinker and now there are almost too many options out there.

In winter I love having chai and spiced teas that include cardamom, ginger or cinnamon. These definitely help with keeping you warm and with supporting immunity.

Other hot drinks could include coffee, milk, cocoa or hot chocolate.  It goes without saying that you should use full cream milk in your drinks for calories.

Lunch And Dinner


Healthy Winter Food

Winter meals need to be filling, warming and nourishing. And this is where soups come in.

In my humble opinion, they are one of the best things about winter.

However I will say one thing about soups. If you’re wanting to gain weight, you need to eat soup as a starter/entrée and also have a main afterwards, or you just won’t put on weight.

You can’t just have soup and expect to put on weight. It’s not going to happen.

I have a pretty good appetite and honestly, if I just have soup, even a heavy one with bread, I’ll be really hungry in a couple of hours.

So what soups are best for healthy weight gain?

Glad you asked. Here are a couple of tips for adding healthy calories to soups:

  • Use ingredients in soups like potatoes, rice, lentils, chickpeas, sweet potatoes, parsnips, whole grain pasta/noodles, yams, avocado, quinoa, beans, milk, chicken, beef and olive oil.
  • Use toppings for soups like yogurt, diced avocado, croutons etc.

Here are some weight gain soup examples: Bean soups, potato and leek, pumpkin, sweet potato, beef and barley, chicken noodle soups, chilli, meatball soup, mixed root vegetable soups etc


Curries are a great winter food for increased calories, warming you up, and also have other health benefits.  

Many curries use herbs and spices with antioxidant, anti-cancer properties e.g. garlic, turmeric and ginger. Other curry ingredients are anti-viral and help with digestion.

Honestly, the best curries are the ones you make at home because you know what’s in them, and you can make them as mild or spicy as you like.  

Also we’re spoilt for choice and can select curries from different parts of the world including Thailand, India, the Caribbean, and Malaysia etc.

Naturally, curries with the highest calories will be those that use coconut milk as a base.

For instance coconut curry with beef/chicken/fish/lamb/vegetable and Indian kormas.

Soak up curries with rice, flat breads, bulgur, quinoa or barley among other starches. If you find the heat in the curries is a bit much, cool down with some spoons of plain yogurt.

 Starchy Root vegetables:

Healthy Weight Gain Food For Winter

Examples of root vegetables include yams, carrots, potatoes, beetroot, parsnip, turnips and sweet potatoes.

Take advantage of the variety of winter root vegetables and enjoy them in different ways such as mashed, baked, grilled, roasted, in casseroles, salads, stews or soups.

For example, take the humble potato, there’s so much to be done with it. There’s shepherd’s pie, hash browns, cottage fries, gratin, baked potatoes etc.

And don’t forget to drizzle some olive oil or yogurt for additional healthy calories.


Delicious paella

If for the most part of your life you’ve been eating plain white rice, it’s time to jazz up your rice routine.

Truly, there are so many tasty rice dishes, let me count SOME of the ways.

Fried rice, coconut rice, paella, Turkish pilaf, biriani, sticky rice, Mexican rice, saffron rice, lemon rice, risotto and a whole range of one pot rice meals with vegetables, meat and poultry etc.


Just like in autumn, there are plenty of whole grains to be eaten in winter.

They are a great source of carbohydrates for healthy weight gain and can be enjoyed for at all meal times e.g. oats for breakfast or popcorn as a snack.

Grains like brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur, quinoa, barley can be eaten as main meals or in salads. When it comes to bread, pasta and noodles, choose wholemeal types.

Fruit and desserts:

Healthy Weight Gain Food

Winter desserts are generally quite heavy and the less healthy ones usually have lots of cream, sugar and syrup.

I like to keep it simple with fruit.

Enjoy fresh fruit on its own, stewed fruit or baked fruit topped with maple syrup, granola, cinnamon, nuts etc.

Other ideas include using fruit to make baked items like banana bread, pumpkin scones, rhubarb bread, zucchini and carrot muffins etc.

Have oats in your pantry? You can bake healthy oatmeal bars, muffins or biscuits etc.  Add in some berries or nuts for texture and flavour.

Last but not least, one of my favourite winter desserts is a creamy rice pudding with cinnamon. There aren’t enough words to say how this hits the spot!

Folks, there’s so much to enjoy food wise this winter. Get some fresh produce and enjoy healthy weight gain food ideas this winter.

3 Amazing Dips To Help With Your Weight Gain

Amazing dips for weight gain

Today I’m excited to write about 3 amazing dips to help with your healthy weight gain.

I have a savoury tooth and like to use snacking in-between meals to help with weight gain as well as with maintaining the weight gain. And I have to say this has worked really well for me.

Having dips with bread, raw vegetables, tortilla chips, crispbread and crackers tastes so good and you’re loading up on nutrients and good calories at the same.

Additionally, these 3 dips also come from around the world (Ay , ay, ay) which means different ingredients and flavours. So buckle up because today we’ll be armchair travelling to Mexico, Greece and Italy.

Importantly guys, making these dips is so simple and you’ll know exactly what’s in them. They are also vegetarian friendly.  So forget about getting this stuff from the supermarket.

1. Holy Guacamole

Chunky Guacamole

Guacamole has been around since the 16th century, from the time of the Aztecs. (true story!) How cool, right?

So traditional recipes for guacamole can include some or all of the following; avocado, garlic, salt, lime or lemon juice and jalapenos.  

But nowadays for texture and added flavour, people add stuff like tomatoes, onions and cilantro.

Avocados are high in good fats, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Together with the other ingredients mentioned above, you have a nutrient powerhouse that is rich in calories.

In general, just 1 avocado contains upwards of 300 calories.

What to eat with guacamole? I thought you’d never ask!

Honestly I eat this on its own and even as a side to a meal. As a dip, slather it on your bread, tortilla chips, pita bread, rice cakes, breadsticks and with other veggies like celery, carrot, capsicum etc.

However one thing to remember about your guacamole dip is that avocado oxidises in air and will turn brown.

So if you’re making a batch of the stuff to use for later as well, take what you need and store the rest in a (very) airtight container in the fridge.

Your guacamole dip will depend on what you have at home. I suggest as the bare minimum to use avocado, garlic, cilantro, salt and lime/ lemon juice.


Healthy delicious vegetarian dip
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Course Snack
Cuisine Mexican
Calories 322 kcal


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 clove garlic,minced
  • 2 tbsp chopped coriander
  • 1/2 tspn sea salt
  • 1/2 lime Or lemon


  • Cut open avocado, discard the pit and scoop out flesh into a bowl and mash with a fork.
  • Add the minced garlic, chopped coriander and salt. (If using additional ingredients mentioned above like tomatoes or jalapenos, dice and add these to the avocado mixture).
  • Squeeze in your lime or lemon juice and mix well.

2. Tzatziki

Tzatziki dip

After that we’re heading over to Greece.

While tzatziki is most often associated with Greece, similar yogurt based dips have been common in the Middle East, some parts of Eastern Europe and India (hello cucumber raita).

This is another easy-to-make dip I am crazy about.

So exactly what are you getting in this dip?

Yogurt provides protein, calcium, vitamins and other minerals. Garlic offers anti-cancer properties, dill contains antioxidants, and olive oil supports heart health and is a source of good fats.

Well covered, this will keep in the fridge for 2-3 days.

Finally, enjoy with cut up veggies, on bread or pita bread, on crackers among other snack options. Tzatziki also goes well on souvlaki or gyros, grilled meat dishes, as a salad dressing, on baked potatoes etc.

*Please note with all recipes, I’m referring to cooking measuring cup sizes, not just any ol’ kitchen cup.


Creamy yogurt goodness
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Course Snack
Cuisine Greek
Calories 480 kcal


  • 1 cup full fat Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 medium cucumber, grated
  • 1 clove garlic,minced
  • 2 tbsp olive oil extra virgin
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp fresh dill
  • 1/2 tspn sea salt


  • Using your hands or a sieve, gently squeeze out as much of the liquid from the grated cucumber as you can. Place drained cucumber in a bowl.
  • Add in the yogurt, garlic, olive oil, dill and salt and mix together till smooth. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes for the flavours to blend and develop.
  • Taste and adjust for salt, lemon juice or more dill if needed.

3. Pesto

Pesto dip for weight gain

Last but not least, we are finishing off our armchair travel with a trip to Italy for their famous pesto.

Pesto is a green paste bursting with flavour and originally came from Genoa, Italy.

It’s been around for at least 150 years but possibly longer. In fact, the Romans ate a similar paste way back during the days of the Roman Empire.

Generally the customary ingredients for pesto are basil, garlic, parmesan cheese, pine nuts, salt and olive oil all blended together.

In terms of nutrients basil is high in vitamin K and is said to have antioxidants, garlic promotes heart health and has antibacterial properties, cheese is a good source of calcium and protein, and pine nuts are a great source of minerals, vitamins and good fats.

Realistically, this dip is a calorie bomb and honestly you don’t want to be having it very often. Also remember, an important part of healthy weight gain is exercising so don’t omit this from your journey.

And while it’s true you probably won’t get through all this in one sitting, remember pesto keeps very well in the fridge for 2-3 days. Or you can freeze it.

In Italy pesto was traditionally used for pasta but really you can do so much more with it. Use your pesto dip with flat breads, raw veggies or dollop onto roasted veggies, grilled meats or on eggs.

Pesto dip

Flavour filled herb and nut dip
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Course Snack
Cuisine Italian
Calories 828 kcal


  • 1 cup fresh basil leaves (packed)
  • 1/4 cup pine nuts
  • 1 large clove garlic,minced
  • 1/4 cup olive oil extra virgin
  • 1/4 cup fresh parmesan cheese,grated
  • 1/4 tspn sea salt


  • Add pine nuts and basil leaves to a blender and blend together until finely chopped.
  • To the mixture, add the garlic and cheese and blend again for 45 seconds. Then slowly pour in the olive oil to the mixture and continue blending to a smooth paste
  • Pour out into a bowl. Taste for salt and add if needed.


But if you find basil quite overpowering, you could substitute it with coriander, parsley, mint or other green herbs. Or, just reduce the amount of basil and add in one or more of these other herbs.
Also if you can’t find pine nuts, substitute with other nuts like walnuts, pistachios, cashews or almonds.

And those are 3 amazing dips to help with your weight gain. Easy, breezy, lemon squeezy!

Do please try them all and let me know which your favourite is. Writing about this has made me hungry. I’m off to make myself a batch now.