Why Mangos are In and Guilt-Free For Healthy Weight

Why mangos are in and guilt free

Today we’re talking about why mangos are in and guilt-free for healthy weight.

I love mango season! The king of fruits has so much going for it- great shape, smells incredible, not to mention all the amazing health benefits for your body. Win, win win!

In fact, I’m such a fan of mangos that when they are in season I buy a whole bunch (on special of course), peel, cut them up and freeze them to enjoy when they are out of season.

Today there are so many different varieties that cater for all tastes, whether you’re more into sweet or tart. On the whole,mangos are so versatile and you can enjoy them in so many ways.

And we’re going to count some of those ways here.

But other than the succulent juicy flavour, let’s take a look at just why mangos are in and guilt free for healthy weight gain.

Why Mangos Are In And Should Be in Your Diet

Mango fruit

1. Mangos are a fantastic source of nutrients.

Where do I start? Mangos have a seriously impressive list of nutrients which includes vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

They are high in Vitamin C which is needed for immunity, healing and collagen formation. Did you know a cup of mango gives just under 70% of your daily vitamin C needs?

Mangos are also a good source of vitamins A, E, K, folate and minerals including copper and magnesium. These are all needed by the body for health and protection e.g. vitamin K to help with blood clotting.

2. They support heart health

Guilt-free for healthy weight

Mangos contain potassium and magnesium which are really important for heart health.

They have been found to help with lowering blood pressure and regulating the heartbeat. These two nutrients in particular also help with muscle and nerve function.

3. Good for digestion

Another great benefit of mangos is they support digestive health.

Like most fruits mangos contain fibre which has several functions including being needed for regular bowel movements and lowering the risk of some diseases.

Also mangos have amylase which helps break down foods for easier digestion.

4. May help with cancer prevention

Mango goodness

Mangos are rich in antioxidants. These are plant compounds that fight free radicals which can be damaging to cells.

One of the antioxidants found in mangos is beta-carotene, which gives the fruit its yellow-orange colour. Importantly, that is only ONE of the antioxidants found in this fruit.

In short, a diet high in different fruits and vegetables can provide a good mix of antioxidants to help prevent cell damage.

5. They can support eye health

Ok listen up because in addition to all the other nutrients we’ve mentioned above, mangos also have others that help maintain eye health.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are two of the most important nutrients for healthy eyes. They are found in the retina and protect against sun damage.

And that’s not all, these babies also defend against free radicals that can damage cells.

We need Vitamin A for good eye health and mangos have you covered here as well!

So you see, mangos are not just a “pretty face”. They are full of all this good stuff that is working hard to protect your body. And added bonus is they are a great food for gaining healthy weight.

And all you have to do is eat and enjoy them. Which of course leads to the question of how to eat them?

How To Enjoy Mangos Guilt-Free

Why mangos are in

Here are some of the best ways to eat mangos.

  • On their own
  • With chilli powder and/or salt
  • Add to salads and salsas for a fruity twist
  • In fruit salads or as fruit kebabs.
  • Grilled
  • In healthy smoothies or as a mango lassi
  • Mango sorbet or mango mousse
  • Dried mango
  • With yogurt or in a parfait.

Mangos for healthy weight gain

I’ve used mangos successfully in my healthy weight gain journey. I love eating mangos in all the above mentioned ways but what I found worked well in terms of putting on weight was drinking my calories and enjoying them in smoothies or lassis.

Try it for yourself and see why mangos are in and guilt-free for healthy weight.