
Welcome to the healthy weight gainers space.

Hi there, I’m Mariam and I live in Melbourne, Australia.

Here, I’ll be writing about some of the best tips to gain weight using nutritious food and simple methods.

For over 10 years I struggled with trying to gain weight.

 It didn’t matter what I ate, how much, or how often, my weight remained the same at 50-51 kilos (about 112 lbs).  Being 5’8 (over 172cm) and weighing so little meant I always looked gaunt and skinny. 

For those that know the BMI (Body Mass Index) scale, I generally sat at around 17. (Note: 18.5 and below is considered underweight using this scale).

One day I read an article on things to avoid when trying to lose weight and bingo! That same day I started to implement a simple but key strategy……doing the exact opposite of what the article recommended.

It took some time but I’ve now put on between 13-14 kilos using nutritious food. This is just over 25% of my former body weight.

Now, 13 or 14 kilos may not seem like much to some folks, but to a hard weight gainer, it’s like Bring on the Gold Medal Already!

Equally, 13-14 kilos may seem like way too much weight gain for others. Remember this is about your individual journey and whatever goals you set yourself. I do recommend you see a doctor before starting any weight regime, but more on that later.

For me, there were huge benefits to weight gain such as improved immunity, better food habits, more strength and energy, and just looking and feeling healthier.

One of the most important things to remember is that putting on weight is an ongoing process. We’re talking months and years.

I’ll spare you the “it’s a marathon, not a sprint” pep talk, but it does involve discipline, planning and yes, meal preparation.

Hey, wait! Where are you going? Come back, it’s going to be good. Really!

For now, welcome to the community.

Please note this site doesn’t constitute medical advice, but just offers practical tried and tested strategies from someone who has been there.