What To Eat Today To Boost Immunity and Health

Boost immunity and health

Would you like to know what to eat today to boost your immunity and health? Imagine having lots of energy, looking healthier, with a strong immune system to protect you from sickness. That was my dream several years ago.

But it took some figuring out. Now, I’ve written before about how I was always catching colds, the flu, sore throats over and again. At the same time, being sick also made me lose weight!

And that was annoying. Because you probably know that when you’re feeling unwell you often don’t have an appetite. And so I would focus on drinking fluids like soups, teas, lemon drinks with ginger for recovery, but those just don’t have many calories.

So then I started to look into how to avoid falling sick, boost my immunity and meet my weight gain goals. To find food that nourishes, protects and heals. And guess what?  I found I could do it by turning to the fridge, freezer, fruit bowl and pantry.

What to eat to boost immunity

Hey, if you’re looking to super-charge your defence system against infections, knowing what to eat today to boost immunity and health is pretty important. Other things like enough exercise and sleep, managing stress, not smoking and keeping a healthy weight are also necessary.

But today, we’re going to focus on food for better immunity and health.

                     How To Eat Your Way To A Stronger Immune System

1. A Balanced diet.

The first thing is the need for a balanced diet including lots of whole foods. Whole foods are minimally processed and as close as possible to their natural state.

A balanced diet

 A balanced diet includes whole foods and gives you the nutrients and calories your body needs to function optimally. Check out this post for more info.

In short, a balanced diet contains the following basic food groups.

  • Carbohydrates including whole grains and cereals – To provide energy.
  • Protein – For muscle growth and repair
  • Fruits and vegetables – For vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Fats – To provide organ protection and warmth.
  • Dairy or alternatives.  For calcium and vitamin D.

2.Focus on fruits and vegetables.

So, while fruits and vegetables are a part of the balanced diet, they really deserve their own spotlight because of their central role in fighting disease and infection.

Why? Because they play an essential part in boosting immunity due to their nutrients which are needed for tissue repair, wound healing, immune function, and may reduce the risk of cancers.

The essential vitamins include A, B (group), C, D, E and K.  Some of the minerals include potassium, sodium, calcium etc.

The reason there are guidelines outlining how much fruit and vegetables we are to eat everyday is because many of these nutrients can’t be produced by the body, and are needed to sustain life.

To clarify, you may have heard of “eating the rainbow”, which basically means eating a range of brightly hued vegetables and fruits for improved health.

Fruits and vegetables to boost immunity

It’s pretty amazing when you think about it, how colourful they are. And no, it’s not just to make us to want to rush out and eat them.

Fruits and vegetables, spices, nuts, herbs and legumes fall into 5 colour groups, with each colour having its own phytochemicals / superpowers/ disease fighting properties.

  • Red- Contains lycopene, an antioxidant that supports heart health and may protect against cancer. (Strawberries, apples, tomatoes, beetroot, red capsicums etc.)
  • Orange/yellow – Contains carotenoids and vitamin C which promote healthy vision and boost the immune system. (Oranges, pumpkin, mangos, bananas, pears, capsicums, carrots etc.)
  • Blue/purple- With resveratrol and anthocyanins which may protect cells from damage, against cancer and heart disease(blueberries, eggplants, purple cabbage, plums, prunes, purple grapes etc)
  • Green- With chlorophyll, vitamin K for bone and blood health, and cancer fighting properties (Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, kiwis, peas, green grapes etc.)
  • White/brown- Consist of phytochemicals like allicin and quercetin which are anti-viral and anti-bacterial. (Garlic, cauliflower, mushrooms, white onions etc.)

Mind you, this isn’t anywhere near a complete list.

I personally found this bit was crucial with what to eat today to boost immunity and health.  I went from catching a cold or flu every few weeks to not having one for well over 12 months.

3.Anti-inflammatory Foods

What is inflammation? Inflammation is your body’s natural response to a foreign body such as germs, chemicals, pollen etc. The immune system sends white blood cells to protect the area and this response can lead to pain, swelling and redness among others.

Today, we are exposed to many sources of inflammation. Think cigarette smoke and poor air quality, alcohol and industrial chemicals, toxins in food, water, skin or hair products etc.

While the liver and kidneys filter these toxins in the body, they can get overwhelmed by large amounts. Over time, this can lead to chronic inflammation which can cause tissue damage and disease.

Importantly, eating foods rich in antioxidants can protect us from higher levels of inflammation and cell damage. This discusses how to use food to fight inflammation.

Luckily for us, there are tons of anti-inflammatory foods out there. For example nuts, turmeric, fatty fish (e.g. salmon and tuna), tea, olive oil, ginger, fruits and vegetables, whole grains (beans, lentils etc.).

On the other hand, there are also inflammatory foods which are to be avoided because they contain unhealthy fats and cause blood sugar to spike. For instance processed foods, deep fried foods, sugar, foods with high amounts of trans fats and even red meat.

  • Fermented Foods
Eat fermented foods today for immunity

Science has only recently begun to understand how important the gut is for immunity.

Did you know about 75-80% of the immune system is found in the gut. There are literally trillions of bacteria living there. To keep bacteria healthy, they need to be fed the right foods for good immune function.

Say hello to my little friends….. fermented foods.

Fermented foods are preserved using a natural process where yeast and bacteria  break down food into other particles. And this process also supports the growth of probiotics or good bacteria which gives these foods their distinct taste. As a result they have high amounts of vitamins and minerals which can strengthen an immune system.

There are lots of fermented foods including yogurt, kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, apple cider vinegar, miso, pickles and some cheeses to name just a few.

So just to clarify, eat small amounts of fermented foods, but do maintain them in your diet regularly for immune function.

  • Protein
Eating your way to stronger immunity

Lean protein is another vital food because it helps in recovery and healing after sickness. Protein builds up and repairs cells, body tissue as well as antibodies that fight infections. In addition, many protein sources also contain iron and zinc.

Firstly, the body needs zinc for immune function and wound healing.

Secondly, iron is needed for cell function.  Low iron can suppress the immune system and cause anaemia. Similarly, a general lack of protein in the diet can lead to reduced immunity and feeling constant fatigue and weakness. See this for more on iron and immunity

Foods rich in protein include lean meat and poultry (beef, chicken, turkey), fish, milk and other dairy), eggs, beans, chickpeas, lentils, almonds, peanuts and oats among others. See this for a guide to easily keeping some protein rich kitchen staples on hand.

  • Water

Importantly, don’t forget to stay hydrated. Yes, something so simple but oh, so important.  After all, our bodies are made up of roughly 60% of water and it is crucial for so many functions.

For example, absorbing nutrients, preventing some health conditions e.g.  constipation and urinary tract infections, improving energy levels, waste removal and regulating temperature.

It is good practice start your day with a glass of water to rehydrate after you wake up. While we’re asleep for 6-9 hours each night, many of our body functions continue as part of the repair process, and use up water.

Additionally, don’t forget to drink lots of water during the day (at least 8 glasses including soups, juices, and other fluids).

Foods that support immunity and weight gain goals:

Finally, here is a short list of tasty foods with the function of supporting immunity and weight gain goals.

  • Fatty fish.
  • Plain yogurt.
  • Nuts.
  • Oats.
  • Avocado.
  • Lean meats and poultry.
  • Dark chocolate (I knew you’d like that one).
  • Beans and legumes.
  • Milk and dairy.
  • Sweet potatoes.

To sum up, try these suggestions for what to eat today to boost immunity and health. Give it a go, your body will love you for it.