Staying Motivated On Your Weight Gain Journey

A fresh start

Happy New Year dear readers! While the first article of the year (Staying Motivated on your weight gain journey) is written in line with weight goals, it also applies to life in general.

I truly hope you are all well and keeping safe during these difficult times.

And we all know that it’s a pretty challenging start to the year (after a less than stellar 2020).

I mean, with health worries for yourself, family and friends, stay-at-home restrictions, financial challenges etc. all because of covid, it can be so hard to motivate yourself towards anything now.

But we’ve got to!! There really isn’t any (good) alternative.

We just can’t let this thing beat us down. And now is as good a time as any to get motivated. So we start by taking a simple step forward.

Now if you’ve found this blog, it’s probably because you were doing a search for how to gain weight. You’ve possibly also set an intention to work towards healthy weight gain. Not to be a spoilsport, but folks that was the easy part!

Following through on this is where it can be tricky to stay on track, because honestly, this is a long term goal.

I’m not a fan of clichés so I apologise in advance, BUT it is a marathon not a sprint.

Because don’t forget, gaining weight is only one part of the equation; keeping it on takes some doing too. Wait, this isn’t news to you, is it?

From personal experience I know there are going to be “I don’t have time” days, and “I just don’t wanna days” as well as “There’s all sorts of stuff happening’ days.

These strategies are to help keep you focused and consistent, but have fun too on the journey. So enjoy these tips to staying motivated on your weight gain journey.

Staying Motivated While Gaining Healthy Weight

1.What’s your reason for doing this?

Staying motivated

Knowing why you’re choosing to do this will be a big driver for how you progress. See this for some reasons (including my own), on why gain weight.

For instance, a major reason for me was that I got sick of being sick all the time and really wanted better immunity and health.

That was a huge motivator for me. Have a read of this post for more on being underweight and health.

You need to know your why and then write it down. Research shows writing goals down does affect how we act.

2.Plan and prep ahead.

Focus and staying motivated on your journey

This is good general daily advice in life, but more so for those days when you’re feeling time-poor/ overwhelmed and more likely to let things slide.

Get into the habit of organising your upcoming week by planning ahead.

Think weekly meal plans and shopping lists to save time, money, and avoid running out of nutritious weight gain food.

After that, do some simple prep to make things easy during the week.

Tips on your weight gain journey

For example if you’ll be using the strategy of drinking your calories, prep ahead after shopping.

Cut up and sort the food you’re going to use in your smoothies (bananas, mangos, nuts, berries, baby spinach etc.).

Mix them up and place into zip lock bags. Prepare 5-8 or more bags depending on how many drinks you’re planning to have over a week and stick them in the freezer.

During the week, pull out and empty zip lock bag contents into a blender and add your choice of milk/liquid.

(Other additions could include yogurt, nut butter, maple syrup etc.). Blend for a couple of minutes and enjoy your healthy liquid calories.

Such simple steps will cut down the barriers to staying motivated on your weight gain journey.

Seriously here, all you have to do is put the zip lock items into a blender and press a button.

3.Break it down

Breaking down large goals into chunks makes them less daunting and easier to achieve.

By all means, set a large goal like Gain 12 kgs in 12-18 months.

But just looking at it can leave you feeling overwhelmed, not sure where to begin and what to prioritise.

To start gaining traction on the big goal, break it down into chunks. Mini-goals or milestones are the best way to get to your end goal.

For instance, think about what you hope to achieve in 3 months. Then break it down further to monthly, then weekly, and finally daily goals.

Small regular actions become habits which lead to getting to the larger goals more easily.

For example, having a high calorie nutrient dense smoothie every afternoon and maintaining this.

Or 30 minutes of resistance exercises or lifting weights three-four times a week.

With both these goals, you’re staying fit and gaining muscle not just fat, nourishing your body, while increasing healthy calories in your diet.

In fact, this is a great sedge way into the next tip.

4.Do something towards your goal everyday

Goals and staying motivated

We know goals require work and consistency. Yes, especially when we don’t feel like it!

Set an achievable goal every day and think about the benefits it gives you and how closer you are getting to your big picture goal.

At first you may not be getting it done every day but keep at it as it becomes a habit.

Then it may become just another part of your daily routine, like brushing your teeth.

So set a daily minimum.

(And let’s raise the bar some folks.) We’re not talking about something so minimal that you could do it in your sleep. That don’t count!

Rinse and repeat.

When it starts getting boring or too routine, aim higher and mix it up.

For example, use heavier weights, change what you’re doing, expand your list of healthy weight gain recipes, learn to cook some things if you don’t know how to etc.

5.Set realistic expectations while staying motivated

Yes, we have a plan and expectations, but you’ve heard about the best laid plans….

Understand that for various reasons such as genetics, your natural body frame, low appetite, high satiety cues, a fast metabolism, etc. etc, looking like Dwayne Johnson or Kim Kardashian isn’t going to be possible for everyone.

(If that’s what you’re aspiring towards.)

It’s great to dream big but also realise that becoming attached to certain expectations can end in disappointment if they aren’t met.

I remember after I’d put on 5-6 kgs, I was so excited at first, then became frustrated because it just wasn’t showing on my frame.

Sure, the scales said I’d put the weight on, but nothing else did.

I still looked THE SAME. I couldn’t see the extra weight, and everyone said I looked exactly the same. Grrrr!

Granted, what had changed for me was that I wasn’t catching colds or flus anymore. And for me was big, I was grateful for that.

But I was still disappointed.

Even later, when I had gained more weight and it was very obvious, it didn’t magically go where I had hoped it would.

My childlike wrists remain but you know what? Thank God. It’s all good. Delicately boned, I say.

So be kind to yourself and avoiding the self-criticism if you’re not getting exactly to where you had imagined you’d be.

Because for some, if you’re working with weights or resistance training frequently, you’ll be putting on muscle and may remain looking lean.

The scales may show an increase in weight but you may not end up looking as “buff” as you like.

Similarly setting a goal of X kgs increase within say, 3-4 weeks may not be achievable as you may hit a plateau though you’re maintaining your increased calorie intake.

So also remember to give yourself time.

6. Recognise your progress and reward yourself during your weight gain journey.

Celebrate achieving milestones on your journey

No longer need a belt to hold up your jeans?

No, they didn’t shrink in the wash (well it’s not the only reason anyway).

That’s the weight you’ve put on recently. Congratulations!

However you choose to monitor your weight gain – on the scales, or by less scientific means (like your undies starting to cutting off your circulation, or your face looking more rounded), celebrate.

Recognise the gain from your efforts and do something nice for yourself.

During these covid times, it could be ordering your favourite Thai take away, pampering yourself with a nice bath, buying some new workout gear, getting some pretty flowers, or something nice for the house.

Rewards help keep you motivated to carry on with your goals. It also gives you a chance to see what’s working for you and what’s not.

And that’s it. Hope you’ve enjoyed these few tips to staying motivated on your weight gain journey.

Now go get to it!