How To Gain Healthy Weight By Drinking Calories

Smoothies are great for drinking your calories

Ideally healthy weight gain is a long term plan. This where drinking your calories can help as it’s not a difficult habit to form.

If you’re a hard gainer, you’ve seen for yourself how easy it is for the weight to fall off when you’re sick, stressed or busy etc.  But trying to get it back on is difficult and can feel impossible.

 For some hard gainers, ramping up the calories short term may result in gaining some weight. But this is unlikely to last if that increase isn’t sustained.

Why Liquid Calories?

Healthy Drinks for calorie gain

In my About page, I mentioned a strategy that I was able to use to gain weight with great results. So what is it? It is drinking some of your calories. Let me explain.

Anyone looking to increase their body mass needs to consume more calories everyday than what their body needs for daily function. In other words, more calories in then calories out.

However consuming those extra calories does mean chowing down when you may not be hungry. There really isn’t a way around this. This is where drinking your calories comes in handy, because it can be a lot easier than eating them.

For lots of people it is easier to drink down a cupful of calories than it is to say, eat a sandwich for morning tea, then nuts for an afternoon snack, on top of the usual meals. Not everyone can manage this.

Now notice I did say, drink some of your calories. Just to be clear, your regular meals are eaten as usual, and these liquid calories are on top of that.

If you’re trying to gain weight, regular meals at a minimum means breakfast, lunch and dinner.

You’ve likely seen lots of advice before on gaining weight by snacking in between meals or eating 5-6 times a day. And really, that does work. (Though it can feel like hard work.)

But you can sip on a nutritious smoothie over the course of an hour in between meals. That works well for those with a small appetite or those finding it hard to increase their solid food.

What Sort of Liquid Calories Are We Talking About?

Drink your calories with a refreshing fruit smoothie

There are several types of nutritious liquid calories including smoothies, juices, other hot/cold beverages, soups and porridges.

What you choose depends on personal taste, produce availability, ease of preparation, and the season.

Personally now, I prefer soups, porridge and hot milky drinks when it’s colder, and juices and smoothies in the summer. But when I first started drinking calories, I relied mostly on smoothies and juices.

Fun Fact: Australia is in the Southern hemisphere and experiences winter between June-August, while summer falls between December – February?

Liquid calories and solid calories. Are they different?

So far the focus here has been on making it easier to achieve a calorie surplus by drinking some of the extra daily calories you need rather than eating solid food.

From the viewpoint of weight loss, it is recommended to avoid drinking your calories, or to count high liquid calories as a meal.

Studies suggest the human body doesn’t note solid calories and liquid calories in the same way. Rather the body handles thirst and hunger differently.

The argument is eating solid calories causes the stomach to reduce the hunger hormone, ghrelin, and bring about the feeling of fullness. Most people will eat until they feel full.

Whereas drinking calories signals to the brain that while you may no longer be thirsty, it doesn’t seem to satisfy hunger cues as found in a study on the effects of different food forms. (Mattes & Campbell 2009)

Liquid calories are also just less filling. People generally don’t cut down their daily food intake despite drinking juice, smoothies or sodas, because liquid calories don’t have a great effect on appetite psychologically.

The average person isn’t thinking, “Well, I’m having a glass of orange juice with my lunch, so I’ll have to skip the fries/ rice/grilled chicken breast.”

So this shows how we can use fluid calories to our benefit. But I am talking about healthy calories, nix the sodas.

Quick and Easy Banana Shake:

Drink your calories
Healthy smoothies

Using the example of a banana shake, you could tack on 300-600 calories or more, to your daily diet depending on what you add. And it takes next to no time to make.


  • 1 cup of full cream milk
  • A medium sized banana
  • A tablespoon of honey                 

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for 2 minutes. Pour into large glass and enjoy! It’s easy, convenient and good for you.

 This basic recipe =approx. 309 calories

 Add an extra ingredient or two to increase calories in your drink. For example:

  • 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt                                     +60 calories
  • A tablespoon of peanut butter                                  +94 calories
  • A tablespoon of almond butter                                 +98 calories.
  • 3 tablespoons of unsweetened coconut flakes   +110 calories
  • 3 tablespoons of raw oats                                            +114 calories.

It comes down to personal preference what you’d like to put in but experiment with some of the combinations to see which you like best. You could use a range of different whole foods in this way.

With this basic recipe, in addition to calories you’ll be getting calcium, protein, vitamins and minerals, fibre and antioxidants.

My suggestion is to drink these calories in between meals; for instance mid-morning, for an afternoon snack, or an hour or more after dinner. To have it with a meal may seem too difficult.

What About Doubling Up On Liquid Calories?

So, you may be all excited to speed up the weight gain process by having liquid calories in the morning, AND afternoon, or night. After all, you’d double the number of liquid calories in a day, right?

Wrong! If your body isn’t already used to these amounts, a double dose of the combination of fruit/dairy/other ingredients, can result in you getting the runs. You could just end up becoming very well acquainted with the toilet. It’s best to take it slow. Trust me, I know!

So there you have it. Drinking your calories is easy to begin, with many healthy options you can make using ingredients already in your home. Get started today.

How Exercise Helps With Boosting Your Healthy Weight Gain.

Exercise is a part of healthy weight gain

Exercise helps with weight gain? Well, yes actually.

While exercise is usually seen as a tool for weight loss, it does play an important role in weight gain. More than that, it’s highly recommended to gain healthy weight while building lean muscle through exercise.

Building lean muscle is not just a goal for athletes, body builders or those wanting bigger biceps or abs. Or at least it shouldn’t it be.

When looking to gain weight, gaining just fat isn’t ideal. You may be hurting your health which can lead to chronic conditions like high blood pressure, stroke or Type 2 diabetes. And yes, that can happen even if you’re slim.

What kind of exercise helps with weight gain?

Strength building helps with healthy weight gain.

So, does any ol’ exercise help with weight gain? Actually, the best ones for healthy weight gain are body weight exercises and weight training.

I remember I kind of recoiled when I was first encouraged to lift weights many years ago. I thought “Great. I’m going to end up looking like I can enter a Schwarzenegger look-a-like competition.”

A lot of people, especially women think that starting with weights means you’ll get really ripped and masculine looking, but that’s not the case.

Women generally lack the testosterone levels to get really muscular. So don’t worry too much about that.

Of course if you want, you can get really ripped and muscled if that’s your goal, but that requires discipline, many sessions of committed heavy weight training, and a heck of a whole of muscle fueling food.

We’ll cover weight training and body weight exercises in a little bit, but first, let’s talk about cardio exercises.

Now you’ve probably heard of cardio. Cardio exercises are those that get your heart rate up. They are very effective when the end goal is weight loss.

With cardio, you burn quite a number of calories depending on the exercise. Some examples of cardio include running, cycling, soccer, skipping, rowing and group classes like zumba, body attack or step classes among many others.

Cardio is important for everyone and has benefits such as strengthening the heart, reducing the risk of heart disease and lowering blood pressure.

However if you’re trying to gain weight, cardio exercises are best kept to a minimum because the idea is not to torch calories, which is what it does.

Why do we need strong muscles?

So why is muscle important in the body anyway?

Well very simply, the body is made up of over 600 muscles. They allow us to breathe, move, walk, talk, blink, and pick up Leo the cat, in addition to lots of other daily functions.

And don’t forget, the heart which is the organ that keeps us alive is also a muscle, pumping blood all over the body.

Cat hinting it's time for your exercise
Time for your exercise

Strengthening our muscles empowers our body in many ways which leads to better health. Read more on healthy muscles here. Body weight exercises and weight training both add and strengthen muscle.

Body weight exercises:

These use your body’s own weight as resistance to build strength through movements such as pushing, lunging or pulling. Think of push ups, planks, yoga or sit ups.

These exercises are great for people just starting out with building more muscle as you often don’t need any equipment to do them. You can do them alone in your bedroom or living area.

That’s right. No excuses not to, when you’re not at home.

They are limited in terms of how much muscle you can gain because you are only using the resistance from your own body weight, no more and no less. But they are great for improving strength, endurance and balance.

Weight training exercises:

Exercise for healthy weight gain

This type of training uses weights for resistance. Weights here include free weights such as dumbbells and barbells or weight machines. Lifting weights creates a stress to the muscles which gets them bigger and stronger.

You could go for either light weights, heavy weights or a mixture of both. Heavier weights will obviously build more muscle and faster than using light weights.

Weight or resistance training also increases stamina and builds endurance. As your body gets stronger, you’re able to challenge yourself to do even more, and these positive effects spill over to your mental health as well.

Word to the wise here. Incorrect use of weights can result in injuries, so if you are new to weight training, start with an experienced trainer, or join a weights class like body pump to see how it’s done properly and get direction from an instructor.

Other benefits of resistance exercises

Other than overall weight increase, toning up and building muscle, these types of exercises have a number of benefits. Let’s have a look at some of them.

1.Working up a good appetite.

Have you ever felt ravenous after doing some exercise? That’s because it can increase appetite as your body realises you’re burning energy and therefore need more fuel (food) as a result.

Bring on the hunger cues. See here for more tips on how to easily increase your daily calorie intake.

When building muscle, your muscle tissue is tearing and repairing itself. This also helps stimulate your appetite for muscle strength and recovery.  You may have seen articles on what to eat straight after a workout for recovery, that’s what they are talking about. 

Read more here on why it’s important to fuel your body for exercise.

It goes without saying that an increase in appetite works in favour of your weight gain goals

2. Keeps bones strong and healthy.

The stress applied to muscles during resistance training can build strong bones and increase bone density. Bone is living tissue and like muscle, it can get denser and stronger with resistance training.

As we age, we lose bone density which can lead to conditions such as osteoporosis.  This Harvard article explains why weight training is also good for bones.

3. Helps with coordination, balance and posture.

Exercise helps with balance and coordination

Resistance exercises work your muscles, making you stronger and fitter in carrying out daily activities. Some of these daily activities include walking, lifting, running, climbing stairs etc. 

Think about it, quite a large part of coordination and balance depends on the strength of the muscles in your legs, arms, core and back. Good balance and coordination will help with reducing falls, injuries and even ease pain.

Building muscle strength can also help with maintaining good posture, keeping your spine and body properly aligned.

4. Can help with better sleep and better mood.

Exercise is great for the body and the mind.

It helps reduce worry by releasing endorphins during your work out, making you feel more relaxed and less stressed. Also, using up energy while exercising makes you feel tired. The combined lowered stress and tiredness can help you sleep better.

5. A more toned appearance and improved body confidence

Resistance training can help you achieve a more toned and sculpted look which can be transformative for the body and mind. After all this is one reason why people would try to gain weight.

This is important for a lot of people who are trying to gain weight, and will improve self-esteem and confidence. Alongside that your body just becomes physically stronger and healthier.

What exercises do I do?

Tools of the trade

Everyone’s goals are slightly different and they will have (or discover) their own favourite techniques or what works for them.

Personally what works for me has been a mixture of body weight exercises, light weights and a little cardio.

I do lunges and toning workouts, yoga, push ups and use resistance bands. I also like body pump classes.

Body pump uses light weights with many repetitions (between 800-1000 reps in a class). This is different to heavier weights which need few repetitions, but which will build you much more bulk.

Other than that, I walk lots, and also like some group cardio classes. These classes do burn lots of calories however I don’t do them often, and increase my liquid calorie intake when I do go. See How to gain weight by drinking calories for more on this.

Happily I can also report to not looking like a gladiator, which was never my goal.

So go ahead and use exercise as a tool for healthy weight gain. You won’t be sorry and you might just get addicted.

How to easily increase your daily calorie intake.

Snacking:How to easily increase your calorie intake

A few tips used regularly can help to increase your daily calorie intake.  These tips are easy and routinely following them will create daily habits to boost your weight gain goals.

For best results try using at least a few of these tips each day to gain a calorie surplus (more calories in than out).

So come on, let’s get started.

Ways To Increase Your Daily Calorie Intake

1.Go Big!

Large plates for increased healthy calorie intake

Upsize your plates and cups to increase meal portions. This is a simple strategy that we probably don’t even think about.

There is a psychological side to this because larger plates unconsciously make people feel the need to fill them, and finish the serve. The same applies with large mugs or glasses.

While I’m not suggesting you hang out at the buffet with a supersized plate all day long, using this strategy could easily help get your calories up.

And, if you don’t already have them, pick up some generous sized crockery that you’ll enjoy using.

Do you like patterned, plain, square etc?  Whatever floats your boat.

It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive, just big.

Then fill ‘er up with healthy, tasty food and enjoy.

2.Snack between meals.

Cheese, fruit, nut platter

I think it’s fairly well-known that snacking between meals is a good way to increase your calorie intake. Also, there are lots of in-between meal options that pack a calorie punch to suit most people.

It’s really important that anyone looking to put on weight should already be eating at least 3 meals a day; morning, noon-ish and night time. And, it helps not to skip meals generally, unless there’s a health reason.

Some snack ideas include nut butters on bread, fruit or crispbread. Or maybe spread some avocado or cheese over those same bases. Keeping your kitchen stocked will stop you running out.

Enjoy fruits like mango, bananas or avocados that contain more calories. How about dried fruit like apricots, raisins, sultanas, dates and figs. Don’t forget to experiment with savoury and sweet options together.

It helps to keep snacks where you spend the most time at home, as a reminder to eat. For instance, next to the remote, laptop, by your favourite chair etc.

3.Count your calories

It’s interesting that many studies have found people tend to underestimate how many calories they are eating each day.

Personally, I had the opposite problem. I always thought I was eating more calories than I actually was, until I tried counting them. That was an eye opener because my “guesstimations” were way off.

Keeping a food diary or using an app like Myfitnesspal to count your calories can help give a more precise idea of how much you’re eating each day.

Importantly, such a tool can be used to understand and adjust the amount of calories, rather than guesstimating what you’re eating, and wondering why your weight isn’t changing.

I know this tip may appeal to some people and not to others.

But at least trying it out for a while will give you a better idea of how many calories you really are eating, and if that needs to increase.

4.Planning ahead.

I have to say planning ahead is one of the key ingredients to getting ahead with your weight gain goals.

          Planning ahead can mean several things including:

  • Firstly, calculating how many calories you need to eat each day to increase your weight. There are formulas you can use for this such as this weight gain calculator. There are also other calculators online.
  • Secondly, deciding on a menu plan for the week ahead based on how many calories you need daily for meals and snacks. And then, doing the shopping for the week ahead.
  • Thirdly, batch cooking or preparing meals and snacks in advance to save you time during the week.
  • If for example, drinking calories is going to be one of your key strategies, and you don’t have a blender, then invest in one. While it doesn’t have to be state-of-the-art, do shop around for a good quality blender that will last. It isn’t one of those buy-and-store in a cupboard items, you’ll be getting lots of use from this baby.

5.Treat yourself.

Healthy treats to increase your calories

And let’s not forget, increasing your calorie intake also means enjoying a sweet or savoury treat. Settle back and enjoy some rich dark chocolate which is a good source of calories. 1 piece (1 oz.) of 70-85% dark chocolate has between 155- 170 calories. How good is that!

You could melt some dark chocolate and dip fruit pieces into it. Try strawberries (or any berries), mandarins, bananas. For more of a treat, roll your chocolate covered fruit in chopped nuts and let sit. Your biggest problem will be waiting for it to set so you can start indulging.

Other treats can include making some frozen mixed fruit or yoghurt and berry fruit popsicles?

If you have a savoury tooth, why not enjoy a little cheese platter.

In other words, there are tons of great healthy treats with calories so indulge yourself.

6.Drink your calories

I’ve written about this before, and have personally found this to be an effective way to easily increase calorie intake. This is a good method for people who may find it hard to include extra snacks or have high satiety cues.

The easiest liquid calories I’m talking about are generally drinks you make yourself. These include juices and smoothies with natural ingredients like fruit, milk, yogurt, raw honey or maple syrup.

Start off trying a simple, tasty drink today. This avocado shake is my go-to for a quick and easy drink with a good number of calories, calcium, fibre, vitamins and minerals.

Avocado Shake

Healthy avocado shake to increase your calorie intake


1.5 cups of full cream milk.

1 medium to large sized avocado

1 tablespoon of honey. (You may need more depending on how sweet you like it).

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for a minute. This shake has a rich, creamy texture and will make enough for 2 cups.  

I sometimes add in a very ripe large banana for additional calories and sweetness. (This yields between 300-360 calories per serve)

Store left over shake in the fridge and drink within 24 hours.

Using these tips regularly helped me easily increase my calorie intake and I gained over 13 kgs. Try it today and see what they can do for you.

 I hope you’ll enjoy trying out these tips on how to easily increase your daily calorie intake. Until next time!

Why Mangos are In and Guilt-Free For Healthy Weight

Why mangos are in and guilt free

Today we’re talking about why mangos are in and guilt-free for healthy weight.

I love mango season! The king of fruits has so much going for it- great shape, smells incredible, not to mention all the amazing health benefits for your body. Win, win win!

In fact, I’m such a fan of mangos that when they are in season I buy a whole bunch (on special of course), peel, cut them up and freeze them to enjoy when they are out of season.

Today there are so many different varieties that cater for all tastes, whether you’re more into sweet or tart. On the whole,mangos are so versatile and you can enjoy them in so many ways.

And we’re going to count some of those ways here.

But other than the succulent juicy flavour, let’s take a look at just why mangos are in and guilt free for healthy weight gain.

Why Mangos Are In And Should Be in Your Diet

Mango fruit

1. Mangos are a fantastic source of nutrients.

Where do I start? Mangos have a seriously impressive list of nutrients which includes vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

They are high in Vitamin C which is needed for immunity, healing and collagen formation. Did you know a cup of mango gives just under 70% of your daily vitamin C needs?

Mangos are also a good source of vitamins A, E, K, folate and minerals including copper and magnesium. These are all needed by the body for health and protection e.g. vitamin K to help with blood clotting.

2. They support heart health

Guilt-free for healthy weight

Mangos contain potassium and magnesium which are really important for heart health.

They have been found to help with lowering blood pressure and regulating the heartbeat. These two nutrients in particular also help with muscle and nerve function.

3. Good for digestion

Another great benefit of mangos is they support digestive health.

Like most fruits mangos contain fibre which has several functions including being needed for regular bowel movements and lowering the risk of some diseases.

Also mangos have amylase which helps break down foods for easier digestion.

4. May help with cancer prevention

Mango goodness

Mangos are rich in antioxidants. These are plant compounds that fight free radicals which can be damaging to cells.

One of the antioxidants found in mangos is beta-carotene, which gives the fruit its yellow-orange colour. Importantly, that is only ONE of the antioxidants found in this fruit.

In short, a diet high in different fruits and vegetables can provide a good mix of antioxidants to help prevent cell damage.

5. They can support eye health

Ok listen up because in addition to all the other nutrients we’ve mentioned above, mangos also have others that help maintain eye health.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are two of the most important nutrients for healthy eyes. They are found in the retina and protect against sun damage.

And that’s not all, these babies also defend against free radicals that can damage cells.

We need Vitamin A for good eye health and mangos have you covered here as well!

So you see, mangos are not just a “pretty face”. They are full of all this good stuff that is working hard to protect your body. And added bonus is they are a great food for gaining healthy weight.

And all you have to do is eat and enjoy them. Which of course leads to the question of how to eat them?

How To Enjoy Mangos Guilt-Free

Why mangos are in

Here are some of the best ways to eat mangos.

  • On their own
  • With chilli powder and/or salt
  • Add to salads and salsas for a fruity twist
  • In fruit salads or as fruit kebabs.
  • Grilled
  • In healthy smoothies or as a mango lassi
  • Mango sorbet or mango mousse
  • Dried mango
  • With yogurt or in a parfait.

Mangos for healthy weight gain

I’ve used mangos successfully in my healthy weight gain journey. I love eating mangos in all the above mentioned ways but what I found worked well in terms of putting on weight was drinking my calories and enjoying them in smoothies or lassis.

Try it for yourself and see why mangos are in and guilt-free for healthy weight.

Why Avocados Are Important For Healthy Weight.

Avocado graffitti

Today I’m excited to write about why avocados are important for healthy weight gain.

This is my main go-to fruit for gaining weight and there so many ways to enjoy it.

I’ve previously recommended avocado as a weight food and today I’m going to tell you why, and also give you some ideas of how to use this delicious food for healthy weight gain.

So avocados are pretty well known around the world, but there will still be some places where they aren’t that common.

Now one great thing about avocados is their tough skin prevents insects from eating them, meaning few pesticides are sprayed on them. This tough skin also protects the inside flesh from the chemicals.

Avocados are definitely a staple in my house. There is hardly a week that goes by that they don’t make it into the shopping basket.

Importance of avocados

On the whole I’m kind of obsessed with them and they have worked so well for me with gaining healthy weight. Oh, and they taste amazing.

But, there are also people out there that don’t like the taste of avocado and think it would be too hard to eat this to gain weight.

Honestly, my first taste of avocado was underwhelming! It took several tries before I got into it.

But no worries mate, because you can still enjoy the benefits by pairing it with other food that may somewhat “mask” the taste if it’s not to your palate.

So let’s start off with why this green fruit is so great. By the way, this is not a list of ALL the benefits, just a few.

Benefits of Avocados

1. Avocados are full of nutrients.

Avocados for health

They have about 20 vitamins and minerals in varying amounts including vitamin K, C, B1, B2, B3, B6 and E. 

But wait, there’s more!

They are rich in folate and magnesium and have trace amounts of zinc, copper and iron among others. 

What does this mean to you?

Well it means avocados fuel your body through good fats and protein. The B vitamins help convert food into energy.This fruit also protects the body against inflammation and can help lower blood pressure. Vitamin E also helps with brain health. 

Very importantly for our weight gain needs, a medium sized avocado has about 250 whopping calories. How good is that? 

2. Rich source of unsaturated fats.

Avocados are rich in fats, and that is a good thing.

The best part is this fat is mostly unsaturated which can help in lowering cholesterol.

Unsaturated fats protect against heart disease. Some researchers even recommend eating an avocado a day for this reason.

3. Anti-cancer properties

Avocado salad for healthy weight gain

The antioxidants and phytochemicals in avocados may help stop cancerous cells from forming.

Studies show people with a diet rich in foods such as oleic acid (found in avocados) have a reduced risk of developing some cancers.

4. They support brain and eye health

Avocados are a good source of vitamin E and lutein which may help protect against memory and cognitive decline, as well as diseases such as Alzheimer’s. 

Lutein helps with keeping brain cells healthy.

But lutein is also important for eye health too and has a number of benefits including protection from sunlight damage and inflammation.

5. Avocados help your body absorb other nutrients

While it is vital to eat a nutrient rich diet, the body also needs to be able to absorb these nutrients during digestion. 

For example, people are encouraged to pair plant based foods rich in iron with foods high in vitamin C.

That’s because the vitamin C helps the body to break down iron into a form that the body can absorb and use.

Similarly, fat soluble nutrients need to combine with a fat source to be absorbed during digestion. And this is where our good friend avocado come in.

In this way the intestine is able to absorb all the nutrients it needs and this is important, because deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of developing cancer.

6. Great source of fibre

Fibre is undigested plant material that can’t be broken down by the human body. Avocados as a whole food provide good amounts of fibre.

We need fibre for digestion, gut and bowel health, and to maintain glucose levels among other things.

How To Gain Weight Using Avocados:

So now you’ve seen some of the reasons why avocados are important for healthy weight gain.

But how do you get them into your diet? Well, there are tons of ways to enjoy this creamy fruit. Here I’ve listed a few ways to get started with avocados today.

Healthy weight gain breakfast
  • Have them in salads
  • In sandwiches and paninis.
  • With just salt, pepper, chilli, lemon, vinegar etc.
  • As a spread or replacement for butter on breads. For example on toast, naan, chapati etc.
  • They are delicious in smoothies
  • Sliced over pasta dishes and risottos.
  • Finger licking goodness in dips, especially guacamole.
  • Avocado halves stuffed with eggs or cheese, canned fish or tomatoes and then baked in the oven.
  • Sliced and enjoyed on a bowl of soup.
  • Mashed in desserts like ice cream, popsicles and mousse.
Soup with avocado

Again I love avocados so I’m “just a little” biased, however if you don’t like the taste or texture, you could add to avocado into mixtures like home-made popsicles, dips e.g. hummus, smoothies etc. to disguise the taste.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post on why avocados are important for healthy weight gain, and will get them into your diet ASAP.

Honestly, there aren’t that many whole foods that can offer all these benefits.

Sarcopenia And How To Protect Against Muscle Loss

Sarcopenia:Protect against muscle loss

Today’s post is about sarcopenia and how to protect against muscle loss.

This is something that could affect any one of us in later years though not many have heard of it.

What is Sarcopenia?

Sarcopenia is age related muscle loss which leads to a significant drop in strength and function in the body. It is a topic of increasing importance because of the numbers of people affected by it.

It can lead to general frailty which affects a person’s posture, balance and mobility.

In fact, this affects someone’s ability to do everyday tasks such as lifting, carrying or even climbing stairs. And sacropenia can result in a loss of independence.

But even more than that, it can result in early death.

Healthy muscle

We begin to lose muscle mass from around 30 years of age.

That’s pretty important to note but many people don’t know about sarcopenia and how to protect against muscle loss

Low muscle mass is linked to low bone density and this can be a risk factor for fractures when we get older.

However we have a tool that can help with this- exercise.

Exercise in the form of resistance or strength training is one thing that we can fall back on.

Interestingly, sarcopenia also affects younger people, not just seniors.

People with health conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, some cancers, hormonal conditions e.g. reduced testosterone, and kidney disease among others may develop sarcopenia.

So all this sounds depressing and maybe even inevitable for us, right?

Well not necessarily. Research suggests that muscle mass and strength can be improved to prevent, or slow down the decline.


Sarcopenia:How to protect against muscle loss

How does sarcopenia come about?

As mentioned earlier, some muscle loss is a natural part of life, and this often starts in the decade between the 30s-40s. As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass and bone density. 

Muscle shrinks and becomes less effective when we lose muscle mass.

 It may also be replaced with increased body fat which can lead to a range of diseases linked to excess weight.

But sarcopenia generally comes about because of:

  • A lack of enough protein necessary for muscle health.

Protein is needed to prevent sarcopenia.

Other than protein, a balanced diet with enough healthy calories and nutrients is also required to maintain the body’s daily function.

Take for example vitamin D. Low vitamin D levels have been linked to sarcopenia.

  • Lack of exercise and an inactive lifestyle. 

A lack of physical activity can result in body weakness which may lead to sarcopenia.

  • Muscle atrophy.

This refers to the loss of muscle and this can happen in a number of ways. Some of these include serious illness, injury, extended bed rest, lack of mobility, nerve damage etc.

Muscle shrinkage as well as reduced strength can result from this.


What does sarcopenia look like?

Some symptoms include:

  • Low muscle mass and muscle shrinkage.
  • Struggling with daily tasks like dressing, showers or climbing stairs.
  • General weakness.
  • Poor balance and increased falls.
  • Low stamina
  • Walking with difficulty.


Protect against muscle loss

There is good news on this front.

Studies have shown that many people can have good outcomes and rebuild their muscle strength with the help of strength training and a balanced diet that is rich in protein.  

However this might not be the case for everyone.

It is important to see an experienced health professional who will be able to recommend the right treatment.

Sarcopenia and gaining healthy weight:

Balanced diet as protection against sarcopenia

As mentioned before, this is a health issue that does tend to affect seniors. But also don’t forget, muscle mass loss begins from the ages of 30s onwards.

For those of us who are trying to gain healthy weight, this post highlights that we do need to be aware of sarcopenia and how to protect against muscle loss.

Firstly eating a balanced diet will help us with our weight gain goals and body’s needs. Also make sure you’re getting enough protein.

People who are underweight may struggle with a loss of appetite, age or illness and may not be meeting their daily nutrition needs.

In the short term this can affect their health and immunity, whilst in the long run this can be a risk factor for sarcopenia.

Those struggling to eat enough calories every day could try drinking their calories.

Finally make time for exercise, especially strength training, in your life.

Easy Healthy Weight Gain Tips For Vegetarians

Weight gain tips for vegetarians

Hi all, today I’m writing about easy healthy weight gain tips for vegetarians.

Now there are different types of vegetarians but generally their diet involves not having meat, poultry and fish, and sometimes their products as well.

This lifestyle is on the up worldwide and has a number of health benefits including a decrease in heart disease, some cancers and chronic diseases.

In fact most of us could probably increase the amount of plant based foods in our diets which would improve our general health greatly.

However, there are some vegetarians who may be underweight and looking to gain more weight, have better immunity. Like many of us, busy lives may mean not always having a balanced diet or making the best food choices.

So this post really is for everyone because it has tips on the best plant based nutrients needed for a healthy weight gain diet.

Ok, let’s get started.

The Benefits with Plant Based Foods.

The great news for vegetarians looking to gain healthy weight is that many plant based foods are high in more than one source of essential nutrients. 

For example, many protein foods are also good sources of complex carbohydrates. And foods rich in good fats are again great sources of carbs.

Protein Rich Foods:

Chunky peanut butter

Firstly, everyone needs a balanced diet for their bodies to function well and protein is one of those necessary food groups.

Protein is found in the body and is also needed for building and repairing cells and muscles.

However many plant based protein sources are incomplete proteins, meaning they are missing at least one of the essential amino acids. Also, some plant foods aren’t as easily absorbed as animal protein by the body.

The way around this is for vegetarians to get their proteins from a variety of sources. And the best way is to get your daily protein from natural food sources.

All in all, some of the best vegetarian protein sources include:

Pulses: These are the richest source of plant based protein and include chickpeas, lentils, split peas and most types of beans such as kidney, black eyed, pinto, white etc.

Nuts, nut butters and seeds: E.g. almonds,peanuts, cashews, chia seeds, flaxseeds etc.

Whole grains: E.g. quinoa, oats, barley, millet. Also found in whole grain pastas, breads, porridges etc.

Dairy: Milk, yogurt, cheese etc.

Soy products: Tempeh, tofu, soy milk etc.

**Importantly, please stay away from genetically modified (GM) foods which in some countries are what most soy products are. Go for a non-GM option instead.

I know this can be harder to do in some countries that really plug GM foods to the point that they are mainstream in markets and supermarkets. But the dangers of GM food production are still not fully known.

So, what are some high protein vegetarian meal ideas? I thought you’d never ask!

Easy healthy weight gain tips

A few ideas of high protein meals for vegetarians include:

Bean salads, quinoa salads, lentil soup, barley soup, split pea soup, mix of seeds and nuts, tofu burgers, quiche, rice and beans, nut butters with bread or fruit, oats porridge, omelettes etc.


Wholegrain breads

Overall, carbohydrates have a bad rap but the truth is they are another essential nutrient in the human diet and provide energy for the body’s tissues and cells.

And they are crucial among the easy healthy weight gain tips for vegetarians

Complex carbohydrates especially support the body’s immune, nervous and digestive function among other functions.

Sources of carbs include the following:

Whole grains including brown rice, maize (corn), whole wheat breads and pastas, buckwheat, quinoa etc.

Vegetables and fruits Some fruit and veggies contain complex carbohydrates including potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, most types of beans, oranges, bananas, apples, pears, yams, okra etc.

Dairy: Milk, yogurt and cheese are sources of carbohydrates.

Remember how I mentioned many plant foods give more than one source of nutrients? Well read on.

Sources of carbs AS WELL AS protein include: most types of beans, lentils, split peas, chickpeas, quinoa, barley, millet, brown rice, some nuts (e.g. cashews, pistachios, almonds), milk, yogurt and cheese.

Fats and carbs are often lumped together and fats have even a worse rap than carbs. Again folks, these are necessary in the diet so please don’t avoid them.

Good sources of healthy fats AND carbohydrates are: avocados, nuts, flaxseeds and chia seeds.

Vegetables and Fruit:

Vegetable skewers

These foods are the backbone for vegetarians and really, the world is your oyster when it comes to fruits and vegetables.

Importantly, their nutritional value especially when it comes to boosting health and immunity is incredible. They offer you vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants and calories.

There are also lots of options to choose from and millions of recipes for delicious and healthy meals.

Some of the best vegetables for healthy weight gain include starchy ones such as potatoes, maize (corn), pumpkin, sweet potatoes, beans, parsnips, yams, chickpeas, lentils etc.

Certainly that is not to say forget about the non-starchy vegetables e.g. tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage etc. They too have their benefits and play an important part in the diet.

Meanwhile fruits that are great for healthy weight gain include avocados, mangos, bananas, coconut flesh, and pineapples. Enjoy them on their own, in salads/fruit salads, grilled, baked, in smoothies or in lassis.

Dried fruits including raisins, figs, dates, apricots, sultanas, prunes also pack a fibre and calorie punch, but do have them in moderation.

But I personally find them very sweet in general and can only manage very small amounts at a time. Enjoy them as a snack.                              

How to include these foods into your vegetarian diet.

Easy tips for vegetarians

There are plenty of easy ways to include these foods into your diet. Here are just a few examples:

  • By drinking your calories-for example in smoothies and green juices.
  • Add dairy, beans, whole grains and seeds into salads. E.g. Greek salad with feta cheese, Mexican mixed bean salad, quinoa salad etc. Or sprinkle some ground seeds into salads.
  • Making soups and stews with beans, peas, lentils, rice, pasta, beetroot, spinach, chickpeas, pumpkin, barley, potatoes etc. Yum! Don’t forget to add a spoon of full fat yogurt into soups for additional flavour and calories.)
  • Certainly cooking up a vegetable stir fry and including tofu and nuts like cashews or peanuts.
  • Whole grain pasta dishes with cheese or pesto sauce and sprinkled with finely chopped walnuts or pine nuts.
  • Sliced fruits and nuts added to breakfast foods like cereals, porridge, and yogurt.

Hey, don’t forget to try out different cuisines. It’s easy to get bored with making the same-old, same-old foods that we eat regularly, and trying new foods will increase the variety in your diet.

And, looking up and trying out different foods is a great chance to learn about other cultures’ foods and produce you may never have heard of before.

Healthy weight gain

No doubt, there is a world of tasty vegetarian food out there: curries, dips, soups, flat breads, pastas and risottos and so on. (Wipes corners of mouth.)

Whether you are vegetarian or not, eating more plant based foods will have real benefits for your health.

And so I hope you’re inspired to try some of these easy healthy weight gain tips for vegetarians.

Till next time.

Important Kitchen Tools To Boost Your Healthy Weight Gain

Kitchen tools for healthy weight gain

Here are some of the basic but important kitchen tools to boost your healthy weight gain.

They are great because you’ll use these items over and over again and they will save you time and money. And who doesn’t want that?

But if you’re thinking “Oh Oh”, just relax.

I’m not suggesting something like a vitamix is a crucial item, although if you have or can afford one, good for you!

Also, if you have a small kitchen, don’t worry because I’m no fan of clutter or things you’ll use once and then it’s stashed away on a high shelf somewhere to gather dust for years.

These items are fairly affordable and some are pretty small.

Some you can tuck away in a cupboard or even drawer. But the main thing is that you’ll get lots of use from these important kitchen tools to boost your healthy weight gain.

So first off, I’m just going to mention having a decent fridge. It’s so essential; I’ve sort of taken it for granted that most people reading this blog will already have one.

Ok that’s that and now let’s begin.

The Important Kitchen Tool List

1. Countertop Blenders To Boost Healthy Weight Gain                                            

Important kitchen tools

Countertop blenders are wonderful kitchen tools that can be used every few days, if not every day.

You can use this type of blender to make smoothies, juices, some puddings, salsas, cauliflower rice, home-made mayonnaise and sauces. Those are just some blender ideas.

Ice Ice Baby

If you are on the lookout for a countertop blender, try and find one that is high powered and can crush ice.

The reason I mention ice crushing is because firstly, there are people who like their smoothies, juices, lassis etc. cold and will include ice when making them.

Second, ice crushing blenders are needed if you’re using frozen fruit or produce for either drinking your calories or making easy, tasty, healthy weight gain desserts like home-made frozen yogurt, ice- creams, and sorbets.

(Post on simple healthy weight gain frozen desserts to come).

In general, benefits of countertop blenders include:

  • It’s quick and easy to make a healthy weight drink/food.
  • They have different speed settings and generally a pulsing option as well.
  • They process a large variety of whole foods and this means less waste as well as keeping the nutritional value.
  • On the whole they provide an easy way to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Quite easy to clean up and you don’t have to remove parts.

Our previous blender was from the Russell Hobbs brand. It finally gave up the ghost after about 12 years and cost about $50 (Australian) at the time. The current blender is an ice crusher from Sunbeam and I’m pretty happy with it and have had it for a few years now.

But be warned. If you put ice or frozen produce in a countertop blender that isn’t ice crushing, it will dull the blades. It can even burn out the motor or crack the glass/plastic of the jug or container.

*Please don’t place boiling hot liquids in them. This exercise may scald you, destroy your blender and re-decorate your kitchen with blotches on the walls and ceiling.

So to make a long story short, do get a high powered ice crushing blender which you can use for way more than just smoothies.

2. Stick/Immersion Blenders

Kitchen tools to boost healthy weight gain

These types of blenders have a slim, compact design. Immersion blenders aren’t as powerful as countertop blenders so use on soft or softened foods only (no nuts please).

But they can do some things the countertop ones can’t.

For instance, they are great for blending hot liquids like soups, soft desserts including those prepared on the stovetop (remember to switch burner off first), home-made tomato sauce, baby food, soft dips, batters and mixing powder with liquid to a smooth paste.

I like stick blenders for the following reasons:

  • They are so convenient. For example, if you’re making soup, you’d need to let it cool down some, pour it into your countertop blender without burning yourself and blend, holding on to the lid so it doesn’t spray your kitchen. Then try not to burn yourself again as you pour it back into the pot. No such drama with this little guy. Plunge into your cooking pot and puree away.
  • Importantly, they are easy to wash.  Lather up and rinse in less than 20 seconds. Seriously!
  • They are small- a slice of the size of a countertop blender and light to carry. Finding room in your kitchen isn’t going to be hard.
  • They work really well for little portions/small jobs. Realistically, not everyone is your family is going to want to gain weight so you may not need huge amounts of what you’re blending.

Like anything there are pricey ones but you can also get a range for under (Australian) $50.

*Just remember:

Be careful when blending hot liquids.

And avoid using them in shallow containers. They work best when the head of the blender is completely immersed in what you’re blending.

Finally dudes, please always, ALWAYS unplug it before washing. You don’t want to lose a piece of finger!

3. Slow cookers

Ok, so these aren’t the smallest of kitchen equipment but they are very useful time savers for making healthy weight gain meals.

Slow cookers are electrical appliances that cook on low temperatures over long periods of times e.g. 4-10 hours.

They are great for stews, casseroles, soups, roasts and other meat and poultry dishes, beans and bone broth just to name a few.

Of course, while blenders are great because they work fast, these babies take hours to cook.

Now hear me out because you literally just set and forget slow cookers. And then hours later, it’s all done and ready for you to gobble up.

How it works is you place your raw peeled, cut up ingredients (meat and vegetables), liquid and seasoning inside and turn it on.

 It then cooks on slow heat for several hours and voila you have a delicious meal to sink your chops into.

There are several benefits to slow cooking including:

  • Food becomes very soft and flavourful. (Fall-off-the-bone soft).It also maintains more nutrients than cooking on higher heat.
  • This is the ultimate one-pot cooking. It means very little food prep and washing up.
  • You can use cheaper and tougher cuts of meat in a slow cooker to get tender, tasty meals.
  • You are less likely to burn food using a slow cooker. People can set it before leaving in the morning to go to work, and come back at the end of the day to delicious smells wafting from your home. Or you can even leave it on overnight while you sleep.
  • They are cheaper to run than an oven.
  • Naturally, slow cookers are great for bulk cooking which can then be frozen for future meals. This saves you time and money.

*I must admit there was a disadvantage of working from home during covid while using the slow cooker. Because this meant inhaling mouth- watering smells while knowing there is still 4 hours to go before it’s completely done.

So obviously, follow the instructions on your slow cooker for the best results. And then just set and forget, till its dinner time.

4. Food and Drink Containers

Overall, these aren’t big ticket items but they are super useful for healthy weight gain.

Storage containers and jars can be used for raw produce, cooked produce, snacks and drinks.

I use mostly glass containers for several reasons. They are:

  • Clear and see-through so it’s easy to identify what food is in there.
  • Long-lasting and recyclable.
  • Safe to use- no worrying about BPA chemicals leaching into food. See here and this as well for information on plastic storage.
  • Easy to clean and they don’t absorb the smell of foods stored in them.
  • Easy to collect when buying honey, coffee, jam in jars etc. and simply re-using them. These are great for storing dried grains, cereal, spices, nuts etc.
  • Versatile and can go from freezers and fridges to higher temperatures such as ovens or dishwashers.
Important kitchen storage containers

So, I use a few different types of storage. I have glass bottles for storing my healthy weight gain drinks. (You can get some cheap ones from Kmart or IKEA.)

*Tip: Think about the shape of the bottles before buying for washing out well with a bottle brush.

I also have different sized “lunchbox” type glass containers which I use to store mostly cooked food in the fridge or freezer.

Kitchen items for weight gain.

Finally, I keep different sized glass jars which were originally from jam, honey and other condiments.

I re-use them as mentioned above for storing dry food, snacks and spices. You’ll find this useful for figuring out what weight gain foods to keep at home.

In conclusion, I’m guessing some of these items you already have in your kitchen.

If you’re not using them, it’s a good idea to pull them out, dust them off and see them for the great aids that they are.

 I’ve personally found these important kitchen tools to boost healthy weight gain of real benefit for my weight journey.

So, here is to your good health!

5 Amazing Drinks You Need To Gain Healthy Weight

Amazing drinks for healthy weight gain

Hey folks, in this post I thought I’d share 5 amazing drinks you need to gain healthy weight. They are all yogurt based and delicious.

To tell you the truth, I can’t pick a favourite. It just depends on what I feel like having at the time.

Importantly during my weight gain journey, I had struggled with trying to increase my daily calories just by eating solid food.  I relied heavily on drinking my calories and these drinks helped a lot.

 So, have you heard of lassis?

These are traditional blended yogurt drinks originally from India. It is routine there to enjoy this refreshing drink to cool down in the hot seasons, and to help ease the fiery taste of spicy foods.

Perhaps the most recognised flavour is mango lassi and pretty much every Indian restaurant has it.

Please do note the mango lassi in restaurants is generally super sweet and likely full of processed sugar.

You can make your own, healthier version and its super easy.If you need a little more convincing on the benefits of mangos, have a read of this.

But actually, lassis can be sweet or salty.

Sweet lassis are generally blended with fruit, while the latter have salt and even ground spices in them.

Salty drink? Really?

Yes, now just stay with me, before you make a face like this dude here.

Not sure about this

It actually really works well. I know there are similar salty drinks popular in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, like ayran in Turkey.

Try it before you decide it’s not for you, and I’d even say try it more than once as it can be an acquired taste.


Benefits of lassis

I love lassis as a weight gain drink option for a number of reasons:

  • Lassis are filling, refreshing and taste amazing.
  • Yogurt is full of probiotics which is great for your gut.
  • Importantly they are rich in protein, calcium, as well as vitamins and minerals.
  • They are easy to prepare with just a handful of ingredients needed.
  • Also the fruit is full of vitamins, minerals and fibre which are needed for immunity and good health.

And, lassis can be enjoyed at any time of the day.

I generally have mine mid-morning, not really in the afternoon as I head to the gym or will do a workout session at home after work several days a week. 

The other time I’ll have a lassi is after dinner which pretty much doubles up as dessert.

Some traditional Indian lassi recipes don’t include milk, however I add it in to make a thinner consistency and also add more calories.

I also quite like the tartness of yogurt so you may find you need to add more sweetener to suit your tastes.

So today I’ve put together 5 amazing drinks you need to gain healthy weight. Take a look.

Lassi Your Way To Healthy Weight Gain


1. Mango Lassi

Drinks to gain healthy weight

Mango lassi

Of course we are going to start with the most popular one-the mango lassi. 
Mangos are some of my favourite fruits. They are fragrant,sweet and have lots of goodness in them.
During the Australian summer whenever I see that mangos are on special, I always buy several. Then I peel, de-seed them and chop up intobite size pieces. Finally I freeze them to use for when they aren’t in season.
You can also buy frozen mango from the supermarket if you like.
Mangos have an impressive list of nutrients including vitamins A, C and E among others, and minerals like copper and potassium just to name a few. 
Mangos have been found to be good for the digestive system,heart health and general immunity.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Servings 1 large
Calories 390 kcal


  • 1 ripe mango, peeled, seeded and cut up Or use 1 cup of fresh or frozen mango.
  • 1 cup full cream yogurt
  • 1/2 cup full cream milk
  • 1 tbsp raw honey Substitute with 1 tbsp of maple syrup.
  • 1/4 tspn ground cardamom (optional)


  • Blend all ingredients until smooth. Pour into a tall glass and enjoy.


Mangos are pretty sweet fruits so you may want to blend the ingredients excluding the honey/maple syrup and taste after a minute or so. If you think it needs some more sweetness, add this and blend until well combined.

2.Banana lassi

Healthy weight gain drink

Banana lassi

Bananas are a readily available, well-loved fruit that is so versatile.
Did you know bananas are the most popular fruit in many countries?
They have essential nutrients including potassium, vitaminsB6 and C, antioxidants, minerals and fibre.
Potassium helps with regulating fluid levels and heart function in the body. Studies have found bananas are good for heart anddigestive health.
 A medium sized banana contains about 110 calories.
Servings 1 large
Calories 462 kcal


  • 1 medium banana
  • 1 cup full cream plain yogurt
  • 3/4 cup full cream milk
  • 2 tbsp raw honey or maple syrup


  • Blend all ingredients until smooth. Pour into a tall glass and enjoy.


*Sometimes I like to mix banana and mango in a lassi. This is a delicious combination!
 Simply add half a cup of mango in with the ingredients and reduce honey to 1 tablespoon.
Add more milk to thin if needed.

3. Berry lassi

Drinks for healthy weight gain

Berry lassi

The beauty of this lassi is that you can use whatever berries are in season or that you have to hand.
You can use fresh or frozen berries or a mixture of both. You could mix in different berries together if you like-strawberries and blueberries, raspberries and blackberries- whatever you fancy.
The result is a delicious, creamy drink that is filling, healthy and packed with nutrients.
Berries have phytochemicals that help fight inflammation and may protect against cancer. They also contain antioxidants and have immune boosting properties.
Servings 1 large
Calories 402 kcal


  • 1 cup plain full fat yogurt
  • 1-1 1/4 cups berries in season or of choice Or use frozen
  • 1/2 cup full cream milk
  • 2 tbsp raw honey Or use maple syrup
  • 1/4 tsp ground cardamom or cinnamon


  • Blend ingredients together until smooth. Pour into a tall glass and enjoy.


Berries are generally low in sugar and you may want to add more sweetener.
I sometimes add a banana to this mixture though I have noticed a larger banana can overpower the taste of the berries. 

4. Salty lassi

Drinks for healthy weight gain

Salty lassi

For a change or for those with a savoury tooth, try the salty lassi.
At its simplest, this consists of yogurt,water and salt.
To spice this up some, you can toast some cumin seeds on a pan and then grind them to a powder, (or just use powdered cumin.)
You could also add black pepper to this lassi.
I'm a huge fan of this yogurt drink and will always order this in a Middle Eastern or Turkish restaurant.
Servings 1 large
Calories 175 kcal


  • 1.5 cups full fat plain yogurt
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2-1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp ground cumin. (optional)


  • Blend ingredients on a low speed until smooth. Pour and enjoy.


I use this ratio of yogurt to water but you can adjust this depending on whether you like a thicker or thinner consistency

5. Papaya lassi

Amazing drink

Papaya lassi

Papaya or pawpaw is a sweet tropical orangeish-reddish fruit that is packed with nutrients.
It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and full of antioxidants. You can find some more benefits of papaya here.
Servings 1 large
Calories 369 kcal


  • 1 cup fresh papaya
  • 3/4 cup full fat yogurt
  • 1/2 cup full cream milk
  • 1-2 tbsp raw honey Or maple syrup
  • 1/4 tsp ground cardamom powder (optional)


  • Blend ingredients until smooth. Pour and enjoy.
    A heads up is to drink this straight away. While it is a refreshingly tasty lassi,papaya will start to react with milk and turn sour if left for a while.


How much sweeter you add depends on the papaya. Sometimes they are very sweet and other times less so. Start with a tablespoon and add more if needed.

And that’s it folks. It’s as simple as that.

I have said before that calorific drinks should be an addition to your 3 daily regular meals and not a substitute for them.

Try these 5 amazing drinks you need to gain healthy weight and a bonus is they won’t break the bank. For more budget tips on gaining healthy weight, check out this and that.

Staying Motivated On Your Weight Gain Journey

A fresh start

Happy New Year dear readers! While the first article of the year (Staying Motivated on your weight gain journey) is written in line with weight goals, it also applies to life in general.

I truly hope you are all well and keeping safe during these difficult times.

And we all know that it’s a pretty challenging start to the year (after a less than stellar 2020).

I mean, with health worries for yourself, family and friends, stay-at-home restrictions, financial challenges etc. all because of covid, it can be so hard to motivate yourself towards anything now.

But we’ve got to!! There really isn’t any (good) alternative.

We just can’t let this thing beat us down. And now is as good a time as any to get motivated. So we start by taking a simple step forward.

Now if you’ve found this blog, it’s probably because you were doing a search for how to gain weight. You’ve possibly also set an intention to work towards healthy weight gain. Not to be a spoilsport, but folks that was the easy part!

Following through on this is where it can be tricky to stay on track, because honestly, this is a long term goal.

I’m not a fan of clichés so I apologise in advance, BUT it is a marathon not a sprint.

Because don’t forget, gaining weight is only one part of the equation; keeping it on takes some doing too. Wait, this isn’t news to you, is it?

From personal experience I know there are going to be “I don’t have time” days, and “I just don’t wanna days” as well as “There’s all sorts of stuff happening’ days.

These strategies are to help keep you focused and consistent, but have fun too on the journey. So enjoy these tips to staying motivated on your weight gain journey.

Staying Motivated While Gaining Healthy Weight

1.What’s your reason for doing this?

Staying motivated

Knowing why you’re choosing to do this will be a big driver for how you progress. See this for some reasons (including my own), on why gain weight.

For instance, a major reason for me was that I got sick of being sick all the time and really wanted better immunity and health.

That was a huge motivator for me. Have a read of this post for more on being underweight and health.

You need to know your why and then write it down. Research shows writing goals down does affect how we act.

2.Plan and prep ahead.

Focus and staying motivated on your journey

This is good general daily advice in life, but more so for those days when you’re feeling time-poor/ overwhelmed and more likely to let things slide.

Get into the habit of organising your upcoming week by planning ahead.

Think weekly meal plans and shopping lists to save time, money, and avoid running out of nutritious weight gain food.

After that, do some simple prep to make things easy during the week.

Tips on your weight gain journey

For example if you’ll be using the strategy of drinking your calories, prep ahead after shopping.

Cut up and sort the food you’re going to use in your smoothies (bananas, mangos, nuts, berries, baby spinach etc.).

Mix them up and place into zip lock bags. Prepare 5-8 or more bags depending on how many drinks you’re planning to have over a week and stick them in the freezer.

During the week, pull out and empty zip lock bag contents into a blender and add your choice of milk/liquid.

(Other additions could include yogurt, nut butter, maple syrup etc.). Blend for a couple of minutes and enjoy your healthy liquid calories.

Such simple steps will cut down the barriers to staying motivated on your weight gain journey.

Seriously here, all you have to do is put the zip lock items into a blender and press a button.

3.Break it down

Breaking down large goals into chunks makes them less daunting and easier to achieve.

By all means, set a large goal like Gain 12 kgs in 12-18 months.

But just looking at it can leave you feeling overwhelmed, not sure where to begin and what to prioritise.

To start gaining traction on the big goal, break it down into chunks. Mini-goals or milestones are the best way to get to your end goal.

For instance, think about what you hope to achieve in 3 months. Then break it down further to monthly, then weekly, and finally daily goals.

Small regular actions become habits which lead to getting to the larger goals more easily.

For example, having a high calorie nutrient dense smoothie every afternoon and maintaining this.

Or 30 minutes of resistance exercises or lifting weights three-four times a week.

With both these goals, you’re staying fit and gaining muscle not just fat, nourishing your body, while increasing healthy calories in your diet.

In fact, this is a great sedge way into the next tip.

4.Do something towards your goal everyday

Goals and staying motivated

We know goals require work and consistency. Yes, especially when we don’t feel like it!

Set an achievable goal every day and think about the benefits it gives you and how closer you are getting to your big picture goal.

At first you may not be getting it done every day but keep at it as it becomes a habit.

Then it may become just another part of your daily routine, like brushing your teeth.

So set a daily minimum.

(And let’s raise the bar some folks.) We’re not talking about something so minimal that you could do it in your sleep. That don’t count!

Rinse and repeat.

When it starts getting boring or too routine, aim higher and mix it up.

For example, use heavier weights, change what you’re doing, expand your list of healthy weight gain recipes, learn to cook some things if you don’t know how to etc.

5.Set realistic expectations while staying motivated

Yes, we have a plan and expectations, but you’ve heard about the best laid plans….

Understand that for various reasons such as genetics, your natural body frame, low appetite, high satiety cues, a fast metabolism, etc. etc, looking like Dwayne Johnson or Kim Kardashian isn’t going to be possible for everyone.

(If that’s what you’re aspiring towards.)

It’s great to dream big but also realise that becoming attached to certain expectations can end in disappointment if they aren’t met.

I remember after I’d put on 5-6 kgs, I was so excited at first, then became frustrated because it just wasn’t showing on my frame.

Sure, the scales said I’d put the weight on, but nothing else did.

I still looked THE SAME. I couldn’t see the extra weight, and everyone said I looked exactly the same. Grrrr!

Granted, what had changed for me was that I wasn’t catching colds or flus anymore. And for me was big, I was grateful for that.

But I was still disappointed.

Even later, when I had gained more weight and it was very obvious, it didn’t magically go where I had hoped it would.

My childlike wrists remain but you know what? Thank God. It’s all good. Delicately boned, I say.

So be kind to yourself and avoiding the self-criticism if you’re not getting exactly to where you had imagined you’d be.

Because for some, if you’re working with weights or resistance training frequently, you’ll be putting on muscle and may remain looking lean.

The scales may show an increase in weight but you may not end up looking as “buff” as you like.

Similarly setting a goal of X kgs increase within say, 3-4 weeks may not be achievable as you may hit a plateau though you’re maintaining your increased calorie intake.

So also remember to give yourself time.

6. Recognise your progress and reward yourself during your weight gain journey.

Celebrate achieving milestones on your journey

No longer need a belt to hold up your jeans?

No, they didn’t shrink in the wash (well it’s not the only reason anyway).

That’s the weight you’ve put on recently. Congratulations!

However you choose to monitor your weight gain – on the scales, or by less scientific means (like your undies starting to cutting off your circulation, or your face looking more rounded), celebrate.

Recognise the gain from your efforts and do something nice for yourself.

During these covid times, it could be ordering your favourite Thai take away, pampering yourself with a nice bath, buying some new workout gear, getting some pretty flowers, or something nice for the house.

Rewards help keep you motivated to carry on with your goals. It also gives you a chance to see what’s working for you and what’s not.

And that’s it. Hope you’ve enjoyed these few tips to staying motivated on your weight gain journey.

Now go get to it!